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Everything posted by grdavison

  1. alrite, has anyone bought or no of the above jackets that are on sale on ebay. are they any good or not were 120 now 60 quid thanks Gary
  2. Heres milly = 7months now, Bull x
  3. il have that mate,any chance you could meet me somewhere wear bouts are you mate? could meet ya at brid sometime,il pm you my number ok cheers, im in hessle
  4. il have that mate,any chance you could meet me somewhere wear bouts are you mate?
  5. lol what dose the mk1 sound like ? yer iv herd them mk3 thay sound well weird the sound was doing my head in abit i didnt like the mk 3 when i first got it, but after reading few comments on hear how people use theres and a bit perseverance i think there good now and do the job!
  6. 6volt quad bike for sale. radio and plug in charger. good condition. £50 no offers Hull East Yorkshire.
  7. alrite, can anyone recommend a good waterproof, warm coat for shooting, ferreting etc and not too expensive? cheers
  8. grdavison

    muck boots

    ive got the esk model, keep your feet warm and are very comfortable
  9. hav you got a pic of it mate?
  10. thats a good haul you got there mate!! it was freezin on the mits today should of took your hip flask to warm you up!
  11. cheers mate, ive had them pure black before but first i had seen this colour be back up next week for another go at them
  12. well done mate, there all big sets that you have done there
  13. yeh it has mate, its feet are brown, the 2 the left come owt the same set which both have black colouring
  14. cheers mate, a cuple of the others ones had bits of black in aswell!
  15. Alrite, had a couple of hours owt today on me own with 2 ferrets and the nets, ended up with 7 rabbits!!
  16. dry food,rabbits and pigeons or any meat you can get mate
  17. cheers paul, cant wait to get her working mesel mate be after xmas will sort a nite owt!!!!!
  18. Yeh just hope she does the job mate!!!
  19. sorry ray! ive let her open her birthday cards 2 days early then
  20. HAW IS SHE BRED MATE? HERE IS MY PUP 5/8 3/8 BITCH (RUBY) Shes a nice looking dog mate, how old is she? It says 7 months... im on about stej dog Ruby mate
  21. HAW IS SHE BRED MATE? HERE IS MY PUP 5/8 3/8 BITCH (RUBY) Shes a nice looking dog mate, how old is she?
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