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Everything posted by shamus

  1. I have a whippet bitch that is very similair in build to chunks dog but she is not kc.This little dog hunts alongside any of my bigger dogs and is utterly fearless on any quarry.I grew up around whippets as my granddad bred them and I always laugh when the ususal anti-whippet sentiments are wheeled out. These little dogs are a pleasure to own and work,and the tedious droning of the whippet haters is really there loss. I keep dogs for the pleasure of seeing them work not to fill any pots,my work pays for that and seeing these little warriors in full flight takes some beating.
  2. you would be surprised how deerhounds and deerhound xs can get down on rabbits,my pure deerhound bitch is a fine ferreting dog,thoughtfull and intelligent too. I also run a 1/4 bull bitch and i could'nt really fault her other than she is a bit reckless but that is part of her appeal,to me anyway. She had a brush with the reaper on saturday afternoon,hitting a corrugated iron partridge shelter and very nearly bleeding to death by the time we got to the vets. However,50 stitches and £280 later she is rcovering.
  3. shock collars sometimes give good results
  4. Murton Welfare annual lurcher and terrier show on sunday 21 march at murton welfare park,top football field. contact wayne armstrong on 07810 596310. I copied the above from the countrymans weekly.
  5. I,m sure i came second to the dog at hawick?Trevors stuff? Stunning pair of dogs.
  6. Baillies always grassed to the police,its what they are.Seems they are going to set some kind of operation involving the whole lot of them,baillies,police,defra and rspca at north berwick so things will only get worse. Think its the wildlife officer from a bit further south whos really into all this,hes coming up as far as goswick most nights. Lets not forget that arse mcgregor either,hes a real f*****g hero wiyh a big mouth.
  7. POACHERS CAUGHT Police in rural northumberland are targeting poachers after a series of successful operations in the area. PC Zoe George told members of belford parish council that the police,in conjunction with local gamekeepers had carried out a nuber of sucessful night-time operations to catch poachers,and that the police had excellent intelligence on those involved in such crimes in the area. However,she warned that it was not only an issue at night,and she appealed for anyone who witnessed any suspicious behaviour,particularly if people are seen with dogs such as greyhounds and lurche
  8. whin talks plenty of utter shite,and he will keep talking it until everyone agrees with him.
  9. makes no difference,despite the shite spouted about it.
  10. How many followers do you suppose coursing has countrywide?not enough to make much difference votewise i think.I went to all the meetings and marches when the ban was in the offing and saw all my fellow countrymen who had chased me for years holding forth about how we must stick together now that they were under threat. I fish for a living and i have not forgotten how the tories sold us out and ruined our industry,they still look down on us,don't kid yourselves.
  11. we will see if the tories legalise coursing.i doubt it.They have little interest in the working man,mind you,who does? How many votes would such a move bring them?how many would it lose them?That is the bottom line for our westminister parasites.
  12. Get caught coursing,get banned from keeping dogs,cook two alive,no ban?Must remember to tell them how depressed i am if i get caught.
  13. basically like a horrible smell,baldness etc.The vet has told him that an operation to amputate is not an option due to the breed and suspeted age of the dog.
  14. a friend of mine is having trouble with a bulldog he rescued due to its screw tail.He has been told to use gold bond powder but this appears to be an american product and i wondered if anyone knew of an alternative?
  15. i use sa37 sometimes,growing pups and oldies etc.
  16. funny you should mention lobsters whin,we do it full time for a living,all year round and we don't think much of the plague of part timers that appear when things are easy in the summer.
  17. recieved today,perfect,exactly as stated,quick delivery,A1
  18. plenty rats and mice and a few stoats
  19. some days seem just to be like that and i've never been able to work out why.I have had various theories over the years,wind being the most common one but some days they just bolt regardless of conditions. Last week we went to a farm,the snow was up to our knees yet the rabbits bolted well,down the hedgerows,who knows?
  20. I use mk3 and my mate has mk1 but he wants a mk3 now,great piece of kit.
  21. turns out it was only the circlip on the end of the driveshaft that had ome off,difficult to spot but simple fix.
  22. I took a ferret from our local rescue as they really did'nt have anywhwere for her.She was painfully thin and covered in small black things,not fleas but they bit me to pieces whatever they were.Anyway,she has turned,fairly quickly,into a decent working jill,can't really fault her especially as it her first season.
  23. an't quite get my head around how the 4wd works on the trooper.I think one of the front driveshafts is always engaged ie.turning but only comes into play when 4wd engaged locks the other shaft up?
  24. The 4wd went on my p reg 3.1 trooper yesterday.Anyone got any ideas what i should look for/at?
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