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Everything posted by dougal

  1. if you want to waste a good walk get a beddy,i have spent meny a hour waiting,shouting,whistling with a empty dog lead in my hand,ive found them totally deaf when on a scent
  2. this is my 1st x beddy grey pup she is 5 1/2 month and 20 1/2 tts she is very forward pup
  3. mines is 5 years old and will take any thing that moves day or nite,she is 19tts has a great nose and plenty of stamina,the only down side to her is she is a bit small and light for the bigger stuff but she does the job somehow,great wee dogs
  4. having shot with a 222 and a 243 for over 20 years a 222 is more than capable of killing both deer and fox,but if a 243 is to big why not try a 223 or a 222,50
  5. does alice still transport dogs and if so does anybody have her number or the number of any other transporter looking to bring a pup from warwickshire to scotland
  6. dougal


    thank u all for the help you gave i will try to get some as soon as possible, cheers
  7. hi all,any ideas as to the best pellet to put through my 177 airarms s410, need all the help i can get as new to the sport cheers
  8. hi ive got a spanial that cant stop scratching its ears or shaking its head,on looking at them there is a yellow crusty scabs inside both ears,any ideas or cures
  9. thanks for the help lads,just tried it an got it up too 150psi
  10. hi,i have a s410,due 2 weather n work i have not fired a shot since mid december,went 2 fire a few shots 2day but no air in the rifle i then tried 2 refill with my stirrup pump but it wodnt take any pressure and with every pump air was cummin out of the barrel,any ideas wats wrong lads
  11. i was with bunks yesterday when this horrible accident happened,to say it was nasty would be a gross under estimate she proberly got the worst injury that i have seen in 30 years of keeping these majestic animals,hes got a top vet and dog so hopefully she will be back to her best sooner rather than later
  12. thanks for the advice i think its going to take a bit of time and alot of patiance
  13. it really gets on ma tits cos i feel i feed her on the best of food
  14. i havnt had any dogs do this in the past,its fekin filthy and so frustrating
  15. i had the same injury mate it slowed her down on the turn but that worked for me as she was over shooting before hand
  16. help my lurcher pup has started eating other dogs sh.t and also cows sh.t,what can i do to stop her,am i not feeding enough or is there somthing wrong
  17. cheers,a mate put me onto this site it looks really good
  18. lost intrest 10 years ago but starting to get the buzz back due to a little black scruffy lurcher pup
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