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Everything posted by greg64

  1. greg64

    Any idea?

    a lot of Berbers also are red haired
  2. great actor but his Welsh accent in white house farm was atrocious
  3. there no that price Mammoth Tusks for Sale – Fossil Realm
  4. those Somalians should be deported end of
  5. This article is FAKE news! The knife in question was NOT a simple 'swiss army' penknife, as claimed here, but actually a BUCK X-Tractor Multi-tool, which has a 3" (LEGAL), serrated LOCKING (ILLEGAL) blade. - Which this article is completely overlooking. The fact he pleaded guilty, meant that certain details pertaining to his behaviour that led to his car being searched, were no presented in court. Namely that the Defendant had made verbal threats that involved the use of a knife, earlier on whilst in the pub. The police searched his car after acting on this information.
  6. and he is quite specific in what he got caught with and the circumstances so who knows
  7. well i cant see that he could if that comment is legit
  8. but if the comment at the bottom of the article is true then all is not as it seems
  9. ahh but look at the comment underneath the article
  10. i don't think anyone disagrees with that but it's down to the police and the cps to enforce it
  11. under what circumstances was someone sentenced for carrying a Swiss army knife?
  12. i quite honestly feel lost without my knife and guaranteed if it's not in my pocket i will need it think ive used mine at least three times today
  13. he also had quite a lot of people coming in with stuff that didn't have a ticket for them so he was always coming across stuff usually ww2 guns that were brought home
  14. he used to have a little gun and fishing tackle shop so a lot of things he bought over the counter and through other dealers
  15. it's one of those things I've had since a kid i used to collect militaria when i was young but since sold it all apart from a few things my dad used to sell guns at arms and armour fairs and i got into it like that
  16. i'm not arguing about harsher sentences just enforce the current laws
  17. I’ve got a little flick book of Adolf making a speech probably a propaganda thing and when I showed it to a antique dealer years ago he said I should be wary of who I showed it to as some people would just rip it up
  18. there's been quite a few of eva's knickers sold
  19. they just need to enforce the current laws that we already have if you have a foldable edc no problem
  20. i had gsd grey whippet great dog
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