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Everything posted by greg64

  2. Run your own business? You come across as though you've just fell out of remedial class. Run your own business? You come across as though you've just fell out of remedial class. and that proves my point about talking about things you know nowt about your assumption of me couldnt be any farther from the truth Look boys both of these substances fuuck with ya mind this we all know, an I'm here to tell you all that crack is the way forward especially if it's mixed with a bit of meth. Never did iggy any harm but iggy is a one off,f**k i love the stooges Keith
  3. Run your own business? You come across as though you've just fell out of remedial class. Run your own business? You come across as though you've just fell out of remedial class. and that proves my point about talking about things you know nowt about your assumption of me couldnt be any farther from the truth Look boys both of these substances fuuck with ya mind this we all know, an I'm here to tell you all that crack is the way forward especially if it's mixed with a bit of meth. Never did iggy any harm but iggy is a one off,f**k i love the stooges Keith
  4. Run your own business? You come across as though you've just fell out of remedial class. Run your own business? You come across as though you've just fell out of remedial class. and that proves my point about talking about things you know nowt about your assumption of me couldnt be any farther from the truth Look boys both of these substances fuuck with ya mind this we all know, an I'm here to tell you all that crack is the way forward especially if it's mixed with a bit of meth. Never did iggy any harm but iggy is a one off,f**k i love the stooges
  5. went to dublin about 5 weeks ago to see rage against the machine in the o2,went to the pub opposite hotel,cost 14.and half euros for a double vodka and a pint of stella
  6. better still lets have no god,ive never had one and never will
  7. your statement is bang on ,dont often agree with you,except they were not pakistanis,they were 5 americans,1 brit and a german,what a waste of talented life ,these militants really do need irradicating,they are a cancer on humanity
  8. if the dog had two sheep earlier in the week why was it let out or off its lead in the vacinity of any livestock on the sunday
  9. This mans crime is he was born at the wrong time,he,like me, comes from a time when people were no.t so sentimental, everything went in the bucket ,pups ,kittens,rats ,mice,we also hung murderers, and birched vandals. thats very true,he dispatched it in a way he was comfortable with.
  10. i would have expected a statement like that comeing from you Alright idiot boy. . . . what exactly IS wrong with my statement? I think it is in fact COMPLETELY understandable to expect folk who go about setting live catch traps to have thought of a humane way to dispatch of what they trap. I trap a lot of squirrels, rats, rabbits and mink in live traps and everything apart from the rabbits is pushed to one end of the trap with a comb and then given a shot in the head with the air gun. Killed dead in an instant. And i believe that i am also correct in saying that drowning
  11. greg64

    sheep ticks

    thats very true clint
  12. has any one noticed more sheep ticks than usual,ive taken 5 off the missus in the last week all small nymphs and there harder to get off,than the big ones,dogs been frontlined but not the missus,shes blaming the dog
  13. i would have expected a statement like that comeing from you
  16. I'm appalled to read the comments regarding the little Chihuahua being killed by a fox! I'm the Poole & Bournemouth Dog Whisperer, and I can tell you that it happened in front of 4 young children during one of their birthday parties! Before you make up your own assumptions on any story, please get your facts right. The father did indeed run after the fox (who wouldn't if it grabbed your dog?), and the dog was dead. The family are grief stricken, and wouldn't it be nice if you respected their pain and suffering rather than write a heap of s**t! ,ffs lighten up i know how they feel,th
  17. i,d love to see a horse section very good idea
  18. well done that takes a lot of dedication respect
  19. great photos RFYL i think that top photo is a sea cucumber called a cotton spinner
  20. im suprised you have to ask lol Because they are c**ts mate. And they usually don't get far. My point was our country is going to shit and you can't lay the blame of even half of it at the door of outsiders. no i blame it on c**ts like you, U.A.F ARE WE
  21. the stooges ,mc5 .new york dolls. dead kennedys, tom waits, R.A.T.M to name but a few
  22. ideation,why do tattooed skinheads pick on you?
  23. taste allright but the ticks,fleas,and those ratty teeth do put you off a bit
  24. There is a big difference between being a racist and being patriotic mate, I do not have a problem with anyone who comes here and tries to integrate with our society to make the country a better place,but to come here and try to drag our culture into the gutter well I do have a problem with that,and to tar everyone who does not agree with your views a racist well that is just the society we live in now. Right and wearing a Burkha is to 'drag our culture into the gutter', if your worried about our culture mate i'd take a long look at the sorry excuse for what passes as a brit these da
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