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Everything posted by greg64

  1. eraserheads a strange film,not scary as such but well weird
  2. we allso call people british when it suits if thats the case is joe calzage welsh is he f**k,is lennox lewis british is he f**k and the list goes on and on
  3. Spot on, I cant stand her sort at all......oxygen thieves all of them, BUT the opinion and anger is something lots of people have felt and one time or another. So, I voted she was right, she just is not in possesion of the intelligence to express it better. And for all that, if she had kicked off like that in front of my little uns..........I would have leathered the shit c**t. you cant go leathering women wilf even if they act like a foul mouthed bloke
  4. greg64


    out of intrest ,how big are the waves out there.
  5. greg64


    blowing a gale here on the llyn,just heard a cargo ship sunk last night 20 miles north west of the llyn picked up two survivors looking for another six hope they find them,but some how i doubt it
  6. wonder what happened to the rest of it,they only found the head,very strange
  7. more bollox created by the rspca to brainwash the ignorant in to making donations,every one should boycot buying the express for printing such misleading shite
  8. musical genius,been to great gigs of his and ive been to shite gigs of his,the worst one was when his roadies had to come and take the burning fag out of his hand because ,he was so smacked up he could,nt feel it burning him,now that was a sad sight
  9. i still think i was right to do that with the ebt ,it learnt that lesson in 5 minuites,i took that dog on as a 2 year old and it spent 10 more happy years on my smallholding living in perfect harmony with chickens ,ducks goats and sheep,infact two days after it ate those chickens and was put in his place my indian runner duck drake used to peck it on the arse and it did,nt bat an eye,job done in my opinion
  10. well i no what i,m doing this weekend,i,m going to be practicing my paddington hard stare
  11. Was that aimed at me Greg? I was agreeing with you! no mate it was,nt, it was aimed at dr ratreeper doolittle lol
  12. your f****n right i lost my temper,it ate my f****n chickens,what would you have done,naughty naughty dog,bad boy, If I kept chickens and a dog, I would have made sure it was stock broken. If this was a one-off which does happen then if you are trully in control of your dog you can make it submit with a stern look and body language. If you really need to you can pin it down until it relaxes and fully submits and it will learn it's lesson. You have to be the leader and a good leader stays calm, anger makes you look unstable. Same in the human world actually, would you respect a boss who
  13. you can wish i dont keep animals all you like ratreeper your f****n right i lost my temper,it ate my f****n chickens,what would you have done,naughty naughty dog,bad boy,
  14. ive never heard so much shit,i had an english bull terrier that killed six of my chickens,now i batterd that dog with those dead chickens and i mean batterd,there was nothing left of those chickens,when i,d finnished hitting the dog with them,i was left standing there with just the chicken legs in my hand with a white bull terrier,which was now totally red with chicken blood,,that dog never looked at those chickens again,lesson learnt,now if some one had filmed me do that,they might have thought i was a lunatic,because they would,nt no why i was doing it, idont know why that guy hit his dog an
  15. ive never heard so much shit,i had an english bull terrier that killed six of my chickens,now i batterd that dog with those dead chickens and i mean batterd,there was nothing left of those chickens,when i,d finnished hitting the dog with them,i was left standing there with just the chicken legs in my hand with a white bull terrier,which was now totally red with chicken blood,,that dog never looked at those chickens again,lesson learnt,now if some one had filmed me do that,they might have thought i was a lunatic,because they would,nt no why i was doing it, idont know why that guy hit his dog an
  16. Do you keep dogs? I would like to think you won't for long if you have that kind of attitude. 'You don't know what the dog had done', most ignorant thing I have heard on here and that really is saying something. You sound like a total prick and anyone reading this comment, anti or not is going to be left thinking an opinion like yours is common in the hunting world. You give the sport a bad name and I hope you get what's coming to you if you have ever treated your animals the way you imply. yes mate i do keep dogs and allways have,and your the f*****g prick pal,i said you dont know what th
  17. thanks lads ,i,ll have a go at making one,has any one made one out of chopping board,and is it easy to shape,thanks again
  18. does any one no of a uk site that sells parting sticks,the all seem to be in america and the postage works out more than the stick
  19. i saw the video,i dont think he gave it that much abuse to be honest,and you dont know what the dog had done,
  20. they put a trap in the garden of the guy who lost his chickens to it
  21. they have allready caught it in a fox trap
  22. great vid,i bet that rats twice the weight of the weasel
  23. johnny winter playing jumping jack flash,if any one can get that off youtube its well worth a watch,idont know how to do it
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