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smithy's lurchers

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Everything posted by smithy's lurchers

  1. that has to be one of the finnest pup's i've seen in a long time the pup's a credit to you
  2. moving to cornwall next month because of work just wondering whats the quarry and the running is like down there.
  3. anybody got a vacetomised hob i could use on my 4 jills as i don't want to breed from them this year .
  4. The lad i bought her of was a old game keeper who had both dogs and sore by his 3/4 whippet collie dog for rabbits . Would of thought a first cross would be to heavy for lamping but would be a top ferreting companion. all the best in getting hold of one but i would think you would have to breed it yourself mate to be sure you knew exactly what you were getting.
  5. sire was 3/4 whippet 1/4 collie dam was first cross whippet beddie she was the only rough pup all the rest were smooth
  6. here is my collie whippet beddy 21 tts
  7. just wondering if there's any wiltshire based ferret owners who have a snipped hob as my 4 jills have just come into season and i don't want to breed from them this year cheers
  8. Fantastic looking pup mate wish you all the success with him
  9. not by a long way mate if she is a well proven bitch and you've got a well proven stud dog lined up you should have no prob's
  10. mate just noticed your in wiltshire landywoods deliver once a month to the south west
  11. before you arrive you will have a picture in your mind exactly what you want regarding size, build, personality, colour, coat ect and the one that ticks the most box's is the one i'd go for. Just because it's the biggest pup now wont mean it will be the biggest once it finishsed maturing. I like a pup thats well proportioned in all aspects legs, back, feet. I always like to see the sire and bitch and if possible a previous litter offspring but if thats not possible definitly the sire and bitch you should get a good feel for what the pup's will look like.
  12. Looked a top day lads well done lucky to get a quarter of that where i am
  13. I like to observe them for a good five min and the one your automaticlly drawn to thats the one i go for
  14. landywoods all the way mate top service best of gear deliver to your door realistic prices.
  15. here's my pup 11 month first cross deerhound greyhound 28tts and as game as they come goes crazy for charlie
  16. Sorry to hear about the dog mate looks nasty but with plenty of rest i'm sure he will be back to his glourious self. Good luck with a speedy recovery.
  17. have a look at his growth plates in his front legs if they have flattenened out don't expect much more. but i would think 21 22 my bitch is the same cross with a little dash of collie and she's 21.
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