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Everything posted by chingo35

  1. well originally it was for the gun been there but i was talking to a man in the scottish association for countrysports about insurance and what is covered at the selby game fair and he told me it was for everything, got the membership application form in front of me and it says..........INSURANCE--THIRD PARTY LIABILITY COVER OF £5 MILLION WHILE ENGAGED IN COUNTRY SPORTS IN THE UK OR ON HOLIDAY ABROAD; SIMILAR COVER FOR FOREIGN VISITORS WHILE IN THE UK.
  2. drove to meet farmer today as planned and got a tour of the land he wants the rabbits off, got lamping permission aswel as the ferreting. loads of burrows to go at on a good sized farm. chuffed to bits thanks for all the advice.
  3. cheers for that will be going there on way back from selby game fair so will keep you all posted on how it goes. again thanks for all your advice.
  4. have spent some time ringing round farms near my area and to my surprise have got some success, rang one farm and the lad answered saying i would have to speak to his dad as the people they had didnt come very often and one of the other farms i rang his wife answered but said they have a rabbit problem and their rabbit man has given up so iv got to go meet the farmer tomorrow. any tips on giving the right impression to secure the deal. all advice would be grateful cheers.
  5. as stated brand new unused belle minimix 150 electric 240 volt cement mixer for sale can be delivered at a cost depending where to. based in leeds. selling for my dad hes looking to get around 200 for it they retail in b and q for 274.99 and in screwfix at 294.99. pm me any questions or offers. cheers. richard
  6. after a deben mark 3 ferret collar got 1 with it when i bought it but needing another collar. anyone know where to get them cheaper or got 1 to sell, cheers
  7. yeah rang him hes only got kits comingg soon i think he said , got sum kits comiong but could do with some abiot older aswel, hard to get hold of............. or so im finding
  8. was wondering if anybody had any ferrets(dont mind what, jills or hobs) they were willing to sell or give away anywhere in the yorkshire area. can come and collect. cheers
  9. good to read, the bags will be bigger next season, keep mr cheese off the food this summer by the sound of it.lol
  10. went out like said yesterday 3 rabbits to show for it, didnt get chance to knock any farms like planned due to it been late coming back, enjoyable day will b going back with a friend tho as could of done with the help carrying stuff and better with a few more nets. glad to read you all had good days aswel.
  11. cheers for all the advice, not working today so im going up there for a days ferreting and will be getting a permission slip so i can knock a few on the drive home will let u no how it goes.
  12. well its sumwere to go for now cheers for all your advice. will go have a crack at it as i saw quite a few rabbits in the fields from the roadside. will use it as an excuse to go knocking on doors if nothing else. will let you know how i get on. dont suppose anybodys heard of anybody with need for rabbit control/ferreters in the dales or surrounding areas or any places with over populated rabbits, cheers.
  13. sound mate will do that. u get about ferreting locally much?
  14. im in all your boat, after been on my mates and just pullin up and opening the padlock on the gate with the key they gave him, i feel like im been done for, only thing is its my only permission so im in no place to pick and choose. do i use it till i keep knocking and get more or do i not go to stop them all from charging us and make a stand.
  15. crackin mate, u dont no anything bout them do u, male or female how old they are etc?
  16. nice 1 mate will give them a ring. how long ago did u get number.
  17. hey, just got into shooting and ferreting and went out today to the yorkshire dales in search of my own permission instead of relying on my mates, got lucky with the first 1 of a few i asked, said i could go ferreting on his sheep land approx 2 miles square, only problem is there are 3 or 4 other people he told me about who are allowed on his land to ferret and i have to pay £5 every time i go per person, just wondered if this was the norm. any comments would be much appreciated as new to all this cheers.
  18. needing either people with ferrets to sell or give away or info about breeders in and around yorkshire. cheers.
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