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Everything posted by collie/grey

  1. organise one then mate he was replying to me. Not the comp.
  2. Thanks for that. I wasn't being arsy and i haven't read the thread that was started in the first place. I have just 1 problem, my dog doesn't kill rabbits, she brings them back alive for me to dispatch, so i would lose points for this?! I've never wanted my dogs to kill rabbits, never will. If it was that simple, well sorry, but i have alot of blonde moments. When do i enter? I didnt mean your dog has to actually kill the rabbit its a figure of speach what I mean is the dog might catch the rabbit but it might drop it & it gets away it has happened to us all then it doesnt count ..
  3. Thanks for that. I wasn't being arsy and i haven't read the thread that was started in the first place. I have just 1 problem, my dog doesn't kill rabbits, she brings them back alive for me to dispatch, so i would lose points for this?! I've never wanted my dogs to kill rabbits, never will. If it was that simple, well sorry, but i have alot of blonde moments. When do i enter?
  4. Im never lucky, but i know i have good tools.
  5. That was a very moving tale. Being nice, makes me feel good.
  6. Your lamping trips are a great read, i hope your bitch turns well again.
  7. Good luck with the pups. Some of those should turn blue from the bedlington side.
  8. How is the competition going to be fair though, say if a 1st season dog is running with an experienced dog, obviously the more experienced will catch more imo. What if 1 dog gets easy ones and the other fairly hard runs? Or in the 2 hours you have there were only a small number of rabbits and not equal runs? Who does the £50 get paid to?
  9. Excellent pics! Now that's what we need to see more of! f**k the antis!
  10. As soon as im free, i will give you a bell. Same here weather has been good for it but no bloody rabbits they were thriving in spring i haven’t seen any signs of mixy but they have al gone and i know my dog is amazing :11: but it defiantly did not have al of them. Even went as far as your territory collie/grey to look for possible permission, but again not many rabbits about there. No rush for the competition still getting my young dogs retrieving up to scratch :11: You did what! Came over to my territory! How dare you! Theres not much quarry for me, let alone
  11. I had a mental block when i was spelling that! :11: I'm usually good at my english. The weathers certainly here down my way, but sadly not the quarry. Come on we need the compEtition! (Tasha against blue paid?)
  12. When is the lamping competition taking place? It was mentioned quite early on this year.
  13. i bought her from phil haynes of poachers pocket lurchers. i had a radio, and still still winged, ive got in doors now for a few weeks the vet said she shouldnt be in her kennel until at least 4 months old, also another reason shes now indoors is the neighbours complained as she woke them up at 4.30 Calm down mate... A working lurcher is a valuable aquasition,..its worth taking your time on. Give it plenty of affection...Treat it like a babeeeey,.... Use your noddle, try and make it feel secure and safe within your pack... All the best,...Chalkwarren... Sound advice th
  14. Nice strong looking bitch. What's the breeding?
  15. Give the pup time to settle in, it's not long been removed from dam and littermates. Give it something soft and warm, radio very quiet. Being outside all alone will make her worse, my pups stay indoors until at least 6 months old and gradually introduced to the kennel. Just ignore any whining, if you go down and tell her to be quiet she will think 'hey great i get attention when i do this'. Why not get a crate and put her in your room at night, gradually put her on your landing, then down the stairs, then the kitchen or whatever, do this over a period of weeks and she should settle, alwa
  16. Why thankyou very much He's a 13 week old 3/4 greyhound 1/4 border collie.
  17. This is Draco, he's 5 months old, 22'' ats. His dam a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie X 1/2 greyhound 1/2 bull, his sire a 1/2 greyhound 1/2 saluki X 1/2 greyhound 1/2 deerhound! This is Hugo, 4 1/2 months old 19'' ats, my greyhound is his dam and my beddy/whippet his sire. This is Malfoy, 13 weeks old, 18'' ats (he's gonna be a big lad), dam my other greyhound, sire my 1/2 x collie/greyhound. And a few pics from when we went lamping the other night with no success. First pic my 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie Tasha. Storm, it was his first trip o
  18. Will the Abbatior sell you anything if you had a end user licence. It's worth asking. Im not sure. What's one of them? How do i get one?
  19. IMO, dogs and bitches are no different work wise, bitches are just a pain when they come into season. I got him from liverpool and the bloke was a complete money grabber, didn't care about the pups. I bought him, cause i felt sorry for him. Pups were in a stable, fed on big hoop shaped dry dog food, couldn't even lap up water, i just gave him the money and went, he tried selling me the sire aswell. He's a great little dog though. The pups he's sired are cracking workers. Beddy/wip/greys are very much the same, they just have more speed and make an ideal average sized lurcher, they make betw
  20. Cracking little pup, there was one just like that at cholmondely castle, was it you?
  21. Hi fella, i have a beddy/whippet 1st cross. He's 19'' ats, quite fast, full of determination, i use him for ferreting, but theres a downside to him, he would prefer to eat the rabbits that he catches before trying to bring them back So i have to get to him quick before he does this, which is ok because theres 2 of us and another dog. Maybe my fault cause he wasn't taught to retrieve when a pup. But he has a great temperament.
  22. Tried 2 abbatiors, 1 said 'we aren't aloud to give or sell public all the bits they throw away', the other said that the local hunt kennels have everything. Tried 4 butchers, 1 doesn't chop his own meat, 2 said no, the 3rd success! About an hour away from me and he said i can come down every week to pick it all up, got loads more butchers to try yet and will try landywoods, see how much it all comes to.
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