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Everything posted by collie/grey

  1. Nice looking bitch, hope you get a decent home for her Scars and 'battle' wounds mean nothing, they could come from kennel fights for all we know, does the bitch come with a trial?
  2. so i've been told You've probably been told worse
  3. Same here, i even cry at Crufts and the Olympic games ffs haha women eh
  4. Lena has turnt out a cracking looker hasn't she, good write up and a good result
  5. The never ending story when the horse sinks in the quicksand, Black beauty used to ruin me when i was younger, titanic, ps i love you, just to name a few from the top of my head, doesn't take much for me to cry
  6. This one looks very well conditioned, credit given where credits due
  7. Same shit, different day!

    1. paulus


      varied diet will help with that lol

    2. Simoman
  8. sb always spks highly of barry and his merry men, men that gave a wild kid from the east end a chance,and 20 odd yrs later going strong with the dogs just a shame hes such a filthy vile man in the fleash Sam that's abit harsh But i do have to agree with you on that description
  9. As a new member joining here and the first post is asking members to meet up to partake in ILLEGAL activities with they're dogs is quite rightly going to raise alarm...............Lighten up it's only the internet, whinging and whineing with attitude isn't going to get you anywhere, contribute to the forum abit and you might gain a little respect.
  10. Liked him the first day i ever saw him, cracking dog
  11. Last night's lamping was awesome, all thanks to Sam :)

    1. collie/grey
    2. Simoman


      He did didn't he? Southern lampers with there strange homo erotic ways involving animals parts

    3. collie/grey


      I'll agree on the bit about southern lampers lol


    4. Show next comments  18 more
  12. Looking forward to tonights lamping! It can't get dark quick enough.

    1. scottish carper ingram

      scottish carper ingram

      jelous like, perfect night for it here n jinx just aint right :(

  13. Bitch in the first pic for me, she is nicely made imo
  14. They are strong and healthy looking, are you keeping them all or choosing a couple out the 4? Have they seen anything yet? Atb with them.
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