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Everything posted by collie/grey

  1. Nice little pup, i reckon theres border collie in there somewhere to get the merle colouring?
  2. I like that black and tan one fella, smart little patt to.
  3. Little cracker that mate, always had a soft spot for golly.
  4. It's a good lamp but way too big for my liking, if you accidentally go off of permission and get caught you can't really disguise the lamp.............
  5. Think im going to get the striker variable, much easier to carry around and still good qaulity!
  6. So does the striker come in the variable type? What's a lance? Thanks for the replies lads.
  7. I have a blitz variable at the moment but i think it is far to big. I want a smaller lamp for next season. Are there any small (like big pocket sized) lamps in variables about and are they any good?
  8. Great pictures and i have to agree with LG the fawn bitch is cracking! Your little girl is a little cutie aswell.
  9. Very nice pup, all the best with her.
  10. They are doing well, that fawn bitch is a beauty. Your gonna have a good season ahead of you with those two.
  11. They'll get called show dogs by some muppets on here. Cracking looking dogs though fella.
  12. He looks like he's doing you proud already, i hope you have many more years of working together.
  13. of course she was or i wouldn't have bred from her in the first place.
  14. I think it's a myth, my bitch never changed one bit after having a litter, that was 4 years ago. Same as every other myth about breeding from bitches.....
  15. Thankyou for that socks just what i wanted to hear.
  16. Has anyone ever used this vet with their running dogs/lurchers? If so is he any good and what are his prices like? Thankyou in advance..........
  17. Hopefully he retrieves more when he's older. What percent bull/grey is he? Well done to him.
  18. Very nice bitch that, hope she works well for you.
  19. Heres my bitch 7 and a half years old now but she's done well just lacked abit of gameness on stuff that bit back.....
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