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Everything posted by collie/grey

  1. 14/16 i thought 2 women were fellas! OOpppss.
  2. Awesome looking animal you have He looks very similar to an old type neopolitan mastiff.
  3. I hope it did too, i would've, but 1 more was enough and i didn't have enough money on me.
  4. Thanks andrea, he certainly has settled in, Hugo loves him, they're best of friends as theres only 2 weeks age difference.
  5. Well i went to a lurcher show 2 weeks ago and by the lurcher ring there was a very small cage with two greyhoundy looking pups stuffed in it, this was a baking hot day and they were in the direct sunlight with no water. I felt so sorry for them i just had to rescue one! So i found the person selling them, i paid £95 for one and got a horse rope with him for a lead :thumbsup: I could have kicked myself for rescuing him, but i just couldn't leave without one and he is soo good looking. He was in terrible condition though, smelled strongly of urine and feaces, fleas were crawling on him,
  6. When is the midland game fair taking place?
  7. Well done fella. That's a great number for a first trip out. The bitch looks well.
  8. I use leather slips, don't beleive in running dogs with collars on. The lead and collar are in one.
  9. Good, strong looking pup.
  10. What a great adventure that must've been! Class tale. I can remember similar past times.
  11. Thanks for all the great replys everyone! They are 3/4 greyhound 1/4 border collie. The sire is mainly a alamping dog and takes all quarry. The dam is just used to give speed and size, and a cracking 3/4 x for me!
  12. I really like your pup, the colour has something to do with it mind.
  13. That is awful, the poor dogs, . They are a bunch of cruel b*****ds. :realmad:
  14. I haven't posted pics for a week as i've been too busy, so here you go, took these today, they were 6 weeks last friday. Growing into crackers already.
  15. Very nice dogs you have there. The one on the far right looks just like my young pup.
  16. Spiders are horrible, ugly b*****ds. If i see one it dies. They scare the shit out of me.
  17. Your welcome fella. Still feel sad myself.
  18. How Could You?" Copyright Jim Willis 2001 When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child, and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend. Whenever I was "bad," you'd shake your finger at me and ask "How could you?" but then you'd relent, and roll me over for a bellyrub. My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those nights of nuzzling you in bed an
  19. These are my hunting pack. 1/2 x collie/grey 3/4 grey/collie 3/8 5/8 collie/grey 1/2 x bedlington/whippet grey x beddy/whippet. Will be his first season.
  20. I know hes getting quite big now! Not an once of saluki in him though ah ah. Hes 1/2 greyhound 1/4 whippet 1/4 beddy. Everyone thinks hes a saluki/greyhound though, i damn well know he aint though, coz i bred him!
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