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green oval

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Everything posted by green oval

  1. go to your local camping shop and get some cheap plastic tent pegs, work brilliant don't rot and easy to spot in undergrowth
  2. Are you happy with how you shoot? If so why change anything. I shoot left handed all but one of my guns are right handed. Ask for a left handed gun and you can add at least £100 to the price of a new gun.
  3. Hi, i have got an o/u 20b selective trigger ejector, looking for £300. also got a 12b o/u double trigger non ejector, looking for £150.
  4. Looking for a removable hard top for a suzuki sj, either 2 piece or 1. Preferably not too far from Norwich
  5. Looking for a Garden Gun. Doesn't need to be imaculate just functional as will be used for shooting rats around farm buildings.
  6. Hi, looking for a no.3 garden gun. Not too worried about condition as long as it's useable. I'm near Norwich... Thanks
  7. nope does the job fine 5 men and 6/7 dogs no problem and all gd coursing men from my area one very top man as lamper well known all ova What dogs are you using? chiuaua's
  8. I hate you! i was paying through the nose at £7.50..... was getting magtech for £4.00 per 100 but you get what you pay for..
  9. I have both on my permission, when asked why i wanted both, i told FEO because i'm left handed i struggle with the bolt action while driving, whereas i use the bolt action when my friend is driving.
  10. A 40 grain .22 caliber bullet travelling at just over 1000fps will kill any rabbit no problem, head or chest shot. You have a lot to say on the subject for someone with no FAC yet. I assume you are talking about what you have heard from friends or read about, not from personal experience.
  11. I find eley the best if shooting at paper targets, but they don't have the stopping power. Winchester are the hardest hitting but occasionally lack the acurraccy,lately have found them to have excess wax on them which cause jams even in the bolt actions. CCI's are quite good but very tight in the breech. Remingtons are fairly consistent both power and accurracy,but they are very hard and richochet very easily making them unsuitable for stoney ground.
  12. This model is OK and if you are on a budget will certainly do you for the time being..or longer!! Personally I don't like this reticle and I wouldn't waste my money on an illiminated ret either! Thanks deker. Why dont you like the illuminated ret??? Maby im doing to much reading on line I thought it was a good feature. please tell, you could save me some very scarce €€€€€s Don't waste your money, dreadful scope, a far better option would be the opti-mate or opti-too from edgar brothers. Similar sort of money but more reliable scopes. IR reticles are just a
  13. She is a cracker, tell him we'll have to get out one night soon...
  14. Lets face it these things aren't bolted onto big lumps of foam rubber, remove the bullbar and the discovery will still flatten anyone it hits.(you'll just have a dent in your bonnet) Oh yes I realise that, I'm not thinking of the man walking across the road, he's flattened either way, more of if you hit another vehicle. Oh yes, i agree there, they will do more damage to your own vehicle than they save if you hit another vehicle.
  15. Lets face it these things aren't bolted onto big lumps of foam rubber, remove the bullbar and the discovery will still flatten anyone it hits.(you'll just have a dent in your bonnet)
  16. Hiya Tracey, If you have a few drinks your pics start to make sense
  17. I think i know exactly who you're talking about.... Someone who's never liked fieldsports of any kind and didn't want to get involved, all of a sudden they're on nearly every hunting forum on the net, telling people how much they like shooting, especially the peashooter brigade. Would only drink baileys or archers, now they drink lager and cider because thats what certain blokes on here drink. f**k me next she'll take up smoking,just to try and fit in with them... All i can say is good luck to him, and i hope he knows what he's letting himself in for.... who's that then greeny?
  18. At least with the coursing it's down to the dog, not the judge...yeah the coursing is great..thats where you can see the fit dogs do there thing.... ...but i would still rather see them catch real wabbits What would you know about it, you've only been once, and moaned all night that it was dark and we were walking to fast....
  19. I think i know exactly who you're talking about.... Someone who's never liked fieldsports of any kind and didn't want to get involved, all of a sudden they're on nearly every hunting forum on the net, telling people how much they like shooting, especially the peashooter brigade. Would only drink baileys or archers, now they drink lager and cider because thats what certain blokes on here drink. f**k me next she'll take up smoking,just to try and fit in with them... All i can say is good luck to him, and i hope he knows what he's letting himself in for....
  20. My Willow ran in the straight racing but my friends dogs ran in the coursing.. .. it was taking a long time so I went for a mooch around the stalls with my lad ( a mistake) on returning some time later with a lighter purse I was more than a little surprised to see the coursing still running. Apparently it was delayed while they went to do the 'chase the bunny' in the main ring.. Yes, I heard from a few who ran their dogs in the coursing event that it was a very odd way of judging and unusual results.. from what I have seen in the past.. they're slipped.. run through gates and 1st over th
  21. I read your signature earlier and thought how nice it was, If anyone read that and thought anything else it just goes to show what a sick and twisted mind they must have. Certainly don't change your signature because of them.
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