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green oval

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Everything posted by green oval

  1. This is storm at 8 weeks and her now 18 months alfie at 10 weeks and now at 18 weeks
  2. If things don't change, They'll stay as they are.
  3. What i want to know is, why anyone was videoing my GRAN in tesco's car park?
  4. They love a .22 hp between the eyes, But if you can only see one eye and its winking at you that's the wrong end!!!
  5. We call small ferrets , fitch's here in Norfolk.
  6. Me and my mate shoot together out of the land rover, we often both shoot the same rabbit,but only because he's a greedy f@*ker.
  7. I had a copper follow me onto a field one night with no lights on. Lamp on roof ,gun out window,shoot one rabbit then the blues and twos come on. He then asks me what i am doing(duh).i say trying to shoot some rabbits, he says have you had much luck? To which my answer was "no cause some c@*ts got lights and sirens going" I then decided it might be a good idea to turn my lamp off which was shining straight in plods car. The best bit was when he went to leave and his car was just sitting there spinning, i just turned round drove past him putting my hand up as i went past.
  8. green oval

    grand prix

    Alonso will be the one to watch! He hates Mclaren.
  9. green oval

    grand prix

    4th to first in less than a lap. In your dreams..
  11. green oval


    Police have found a large bomb outside a mosque in London. They have told the public not to panic as they have managed to push it inside.
  12. i had the same with my .22 cz , i just put a neoprene moderator cover on, does the job and helps protect gun as well.
  13. RWS have a bigger grouping than Wini subs in my CZ. i did a post on it a couple of months back. But they would still be usable. Interestingly enough, i have never had one jam or misfire with Wini subs, and i use a good few... Matt I bought some RWS fired 5 shots gave the rest away. Seem to drop like a brick.
  14. The first bit of sense i've read on this subject.
  15. Lightforce no contest.I use one for the dog and one on my rifle. Never had one melt itself to rifle scope yet unlike cluson shootalite.
  16. Why is it when people don't like what they read on here they sent you threatening and abusive P.M.s. Hey STRONG STUFF.
  17. Fellow hunters? If you think I'd want to be held responsible or "knowingly concerned" in the stupid goings on that get posted on here then you're very wrong. If you don't like what people post on here ,why even come on here KNOB JOCKEY? I for 1 enjoy reading his posts,if nothing else for the entertainment factor.i don't always believe or agree with everything said , but hey that's life,and theres always the back button..
  18. Just train her to a whistle, don't matter what her name is then. A dog can tell the frustration/anger in your voice and won't come back if you're pissed with it.
  19. I went with Tesco's £30 cheaper than anyone else .
  20. Would have to be or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsrDv3K7RNI
  21. I wouldn't bother with the gas ram, i had a webley vulcan with one fitted totally ruined a good gun, not to mention the scopes it smashed as well. Stick with a good quality spring (not oxspring)
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