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craig lurcher man

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Everything posted by craig lurcher man

  1. i like this vid as well there over 1s r good as well thanks for puting them up.
  2. do u work ur greyhounds much r do u just use ur lurchers for work ? nice looking dogs by the way.
  3. y has this one bin so long to run in the 1st place?has the rest not bin run yet?
  4. it looks like somethink u see on the tv for the rspca the last pic u would not think it was the same dog now.well done.looks bang on now
  5. what do us him for digging r drawing?
  6. post edited price down to 130 pounds thanks. what size do u think the pup will go.and what work did the mum and dad do thatks
  7. at least you tell the truth about the dog not like tits on here way don t you sell the dog as a pet if it not doing that what i would just my opinion y sell it as a pet it is a very good lamping dog on rabbits and big ears.some people just do rabbits so it will be a very good dog for some one.
  8. good looking dog is at a 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy?r a first cross
  9. who neads guns r gas when u have a team like that.bet there is not meny that get a way
  10. very good dog.it is not simon whiteheads dog is it he has 2 collie whippet greyhounds black and white?
  11. it dont course hares because im not interested in them ,but the rest of above and more ,but i wont ever prove it to you im afraid. crossing a whippet with a bedlington is like buying a ferari and putting an escort engine in it you get more miles to the gallon but lose all the performance theres nothing at 20tts that can touch a good whippet fact u say that but would u have a whippet for doing fox r a beddy/whippet pre ban.would take the beddy/whippet eny day.a beddy would do a fox better then a whippet
  12. dont want to sound a tit but i think u r wrong about the young lads getting rid of dogs.well not just the young lads cos to me there r a lot of the older men that r the dog peddlers on this web site.who can have 4 to 5 lurchers at 1s and just start selling them by saying that they have not made the grade at a young age
  13. Just thinking about the commotion that went on underground, and wondered if it might be a ferret that has gone feral. Have caught two up there in the last 16 years, one in a drop trap, a big solid albino hob which i tried to tame, but not a chance. The thing you could hardly span, and tried killing any other ferrets it got near. The other was a small poley jill, trapped it in a rock pile whilst it made a kill. (heard the rabbit squealing) Took it home and it just died within a day of it being caged. All stoats in the past have run away, this (I never saw it by the way) was living in one ha
  14. i have got it it is a shit copy but the dogs r ace workers
  15. that is one of the best looking lurchers i have see
  16. good looking dog u have.is this the dog u run in the lamping comp?
  17. the more is see this pup the more i like it
  18. its not but he can not work his dog this season can.looks a good dog what size do u think it will go to?
  19. he says that cos there is no good scotland players.should just stick the england team in it would do better
  20. i am from atherton just down the road from boltan thats not that far is it.
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