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Everything posted by dlm

  1. Have a go at making them mate, easy enough and you get more for your money! good luck! If not try any game fair or http://www.field-sports.co.uk/..
  2. NADOLIG LLAWEN! have a good time off, enjoy out with the dogs everyone!
  3. may be interested mate...could u stick a pic up? cheers butty!
  4. thanks Farlap! ill have a look now! and nice one p***y
  5. we were up against them lads in the Heart Of Wales show. i was the youngest and my partner were the oldest there and they only beat us by bout 6 inches. no disrespect for the boys, they can dig. next year tho !!! any chance you could find a pic of us, i had tracsuit bottoms on and my mate was wearin an ospreys hat. cheers..!!
  6. mk1 knocke box all the way boys..old ones are the best ones..! keep hunting boys!
  7. nice one boys, looks quite sandy! bout 4ft si it? keep it up lads!
  8. Nice dog mate, lookin good with you, have you had many with him?
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