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Everything posted by dlm

  1. how much for the mole traps mate?
  2. hi, am looking for a Ifor Williams back formy mates L200, the silver one with the mesh if you know what i mean. any one got one of these? he is willing to swap the current one which is blue with the glass window on the back or will pay for one. thanks
  3. dlm

    purse nets

    got bout 20 nets mate..il have a count later and theyr hemp. im after a few fox nets..how many have you got mate? cheers
  4. dlm

    purse nets

    got some purse nets here and want to swap for some fox nets please
  5. life every day like its your last. you only have one life so live it. youv got pleanty of time to worry when your dead. if in doubt..give it a clout. wrap you wanger before you bang her. i got a load of them.....lol
  6. dlm


    Working terrier mag(vol 1)??? earth dog running dogs??
  7. dlm


    take a look at this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qFSG17lqZI ..we laughed like fuk [bANNED TEXT] this happened..glad we got it on tape! lol
  8. missed it! any good? is it goin to be on again??
  9. would you swap for a ford escort van? i think she is deisel!
  10. watched it to! 75% agree with the ban my arse! :wankerzo4:
  11. dlm

    dog thieves

    cheers mate, iv been down my kennels a few times to find the latches undone and doores open! fukin scums...wont be leavin my garden if i catch them thats for sure! :vava:
  12. Anyone iterested in a black bag full of Countrymans Weeklys and half a black bag of mixed Sporting Shooter/Shooting times/Sporting Gun.?? pick up only sorry offers??
  13. Ill take 2 mate! laughed my f****n head off [bANNED TEXT] i saw this
  15. im in swansea mate! i think i pm you back!
  16. Weihrauch hw77k .22 good condition collection only £150
  17. 3 mk1 locator boxes for sale as 'spairs or repairs' £50 inc p+p. SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD!
  18. Abertawe mate...Swansea! anyone interested? £160. pm me if your interested!
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