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the lamping ferreter

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About the lamping ferreter

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. Just bought a cocker bitch she’s 8months old come from a pet house hold that could no longer keeper her due to moving. anyway I’ve had lamping lurchers all my life so 1st time with a dog that’s not a sight hound Im not looking for a out and out gun dog as I gave my guns up a few years ago but enjoy dog work she’s got the basics a pretty good recall and she sits but I want to get her retrieving and hunting I do have a little whippet terrier that hunts cover shell I just let her run with him like you would lurches to learn from the other or is 1 to 1 dummy training better. many thanks
  2. Got a pup about 11 months old and notice a slight grey cloud in the top corner it doesn't cover the whole eye nore dose it seem to effect him he still hunts and chases ect just wondering wethwr it's something that will cause problems in the future where he so young or if it's something not to worry about if it's not bothering him
  3. Thanks but I've found one now anyway picking it up the end of the month
  4. My dog had plenty of teeth it's what I mainly do his had a few nasty bites and healed over like his never been on one
  5. Did think that but a spaniel is diffent money to a old terrier cross but I think I got it sorted now
  6. No very true it is lack of training and manners but he can do the job and that's what matters to me but his recall ect is good but if its moving his onit
  7. No you can't work a full pack of lurchers you could terriers bushing and a couple lurcher day time if that's your game but not lamping
  8. My dogs tried chewing the glass on a moter window to try and get out when it's slightly down hate to no what he would do off lead no chance ?
  9. I feel like I had more time when I was a teenager I still find the tome for the 1 dog but how people juggle work home life ect and 3-6/7 dogs is beyond me
  10. After a puppy for my boy his apsalutly dog mad a I'm into my lurcher work but one would be to big for him yet I'm after a terrier or x or anything small really for him to play about the yard with and for me to take bushing and walking with my bigger dog ( also sensible money ) location Kent but will travel a sensible distance
  11. Yer I understand that got a spare but you still gota keep that spare fit and find the work for it I no diffent parts of the country but last year where i am it was very hard to find your runs back end of the year I think this season should be better seen a little more about
  12. Seen alot of people with 4/5/6 dogs how do you ever get the time to run and work them all I've got 1 and that's good enough for me to keep fit and lamp 3 4 times a week in the winter I've had 2 before but just couldn't find the runs or the time for both so once they got older and I got fresh stock I just stuck with keeping 1 dog now
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