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Everything posted by wilba1985

  1. rio u cheaky f***er i dnt need steroids im big enuff lol
  2. hi im looking for some needles and seringe if anybody got any please pm me wilba
  3. good pics mate i like the lurcher hows it bred
  4. ye he's a just turned 15 months mate. he's a bull grey/beddy grey x bull whippet grey. i started him a bit early really i started him at 12 months as i didnt know his age tidy as i had him on the off chance as my mate went to look at a lurcher and the boy said he had a pup for sale aswell and when i seen him he was in a bad way so he came home with me. as for wa quarry he takes he used for retrieving shot fox
  5. here's a few pics of my young dog who's learning his game well.
  6. brilliant read and pics lads thats got to be the best holiday you've ever been on cant fault it
  7. a small handfull of pasta bout 5 hours before does the dog well
  8. yep the young dog done well mate fair play and wet wernt the word for it got soaked
  9. does anybody know where i can get a blue or amber filter for the nite stalker lamps cheers wilba
  10. i personnaly wouldnt go for a lightorce the wiring in them are totaly crap id go for the new night stalker lamps which r much better imo
  11. ive owned a light force and to be honest had nothing but trouble then after reading a post on this site went out and bought a night stalker which is a lot better lamp than the light force its built a lot stronger the wiring havnt gone yet so imo the night stalkers a better lamp for me
  12. some cracking pics you got there mate like the look of them 2 lurchers any more pics of them
  13. the dog had no room to move. if the rats were in a more open space the dog probably would have killed them. but thats no way to get a dog to kill rats.
  14. great pics and great work keep at it
  15. good going that a good few lamb killers taken there
  16. cheers mate i was in the show had my black pup with me. i was with a few lads of this site we had 2 black dogs and a russel with us all young dogs if you noticed us. did the women who came onto u have reddish hair by any chance with a blonde guy.
  17. my young dog is now 15 months old he's a shad under 27"tts and his litter brother and sister are all round the 23"tts the shoulder but mine has thrown more to the greyhound than the others but he still doing the job asked of him.
  18. been told of a lot of this going on which has been cofirmed by a few people. the people have been told that they are not the first and wont be the last so keep your eye's open. i was in the show today with a few people off this site and there was couple of dodgy looking people there with no dogs and looking at the terriers in disgrace. who didnt go 10 yds away from a few people who had some dogs which are worked regular.
  19. i live in the rhon dda mayte ill keep my ear to the ground for you up this way
  20. the type of dog doesnt matter to me as long as it does the job.
  21. real nice looking pup you got there mate. name's coco general boss paicer troy mick nibbler
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