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Everything posted by troutfly

  1. true and quarter winchester 7s nocks em down a treat dont take them to high keep your face and hands covered best o luck
  2. how nice to see somebody with manners and doesnt it pay of it doesnt hurt does it well done son perhaps we will have to rip a page out of your book well done and enjoy next season there
  3. just watched you tube agouti a think thats a double not
  4. beg to differ mate double knot on spun nylon mine slipped aswell iff in doubt double knot if it slips when using you will have 100 mm squarenets wouldnt hold apig sorry
  5. thats the way to do it should of got your little mates out and had their photo taken aswell they did some graft for them welldone and a good day
  6. i think you mean breed but if you mean bread i will always prefare sliced weather in season or not
  7. make sure they are fed before taking them out i think we all forget it bloody hard work what our little mates are doing underground but as said get a locater and spade and give it time you can check iff they are moving by locating with your finder and it will tell you
  8. hemp nets single knot spun nylon double knot when knitting and mick dadda does make good nets go to chatswoth show he has a stall their and will give you a knitting demo you will have to have quick eyes because he is fast
  9. cant see why not as long as the hobb is no where near iff you do work her make sure she is clean underneath iff you are not going to breed of her take to a vasectimised hobb or the vet for the jab they should still be alright together only seperate if your going to breed from her
  10. still in my diary my self and the brother in law and three springers cut oiled seed rape august 2008 4hrs 436 shot and picked up average shots 3to1 fantastic afternoon right day right time never done it since still bag the odd 100 they where the good days and i dont think it was slaughter because when we left they where still filtering in andthe next day sa well didnt shoot tho just watched and had a go a few days later not as many but still bagged a 100
  11. as hassle says but also raise your arm and flat palm as a signal and when he rsponds you can guide him with hand signals also get him on the sit with whistle and hand then thro a dummy right and one left he will intheory go for the last dummy thrown this is where the whistle and the raised hand comes in stop him and send him for the right hand one you are then getting him use to whisle and hand signels and you can also vary the options throw one over his head face him with the raised arm walk backwards ten paces give him the go back command with your arm then pip him back in with the whis
  12. hunting life link how to make a purse net video watch then start making your own good luck
  13. also get him or her on lead work only until ready and under stands it will do enough running about when you have trained it and it obeys good luck i have got 3 onthe go and would not have any other dog they are abso brill give them an inch and they will take afield believe me
  14. dog 7mths old training to far advanced if thedog is picking up dont do any more traing on that it looks like you wont have a prob with that get the dog back on sit and stay back o f acouple of paces still sitting walk back praise the dog still sitting walk back a few paces 2piips call the dog more praise also when walking the dog call the dog put back on lead walk abit let the dog of walk round abit call dog back put on the lead and so on fool the dog because itlooks like to me that when you call the dog back to you you go straight home he or she is still a baby she is not ready to g
  15. you need to get another gun mate,in the other field maybe try and keep them on the move,you only got to ask read the last 2 posts mate in the next field dosnt work if you get permission on an estate you could have 40 guns spread over 2000 acres still only one shot they will only settle when they are ready to roost best time to shoot pigeons first swayth of rape whatch the field and they come in to decoys lovely in 3 in 4 in5s pick what you want and enjoy
  16. pigeons flock in the winter and go round in there hundreds and have different feeding areas so once your fire one shot they are gone i was shooting field near my home and watched coming into feed before roost every dey at about 4 ish and they were coming in in one big flock of and i am not kidding atleast 2000 plus on rape it took at least 15 to 20 minutes to settle and land i was that near in my hide i could smell the heat of them one shot gone when they flock like that i now wait tillroost and shoot them then at least you might get an hour of shootimg and some good testing shots and s
  17. get a small ball make a6mesh x6 long sample stick it out in the weather dry it stick it out in the weather see how long it lasts iff its any good make some a think iff you dont try you wont know
  18. start your net loops on the ring x6 then double to make 12 then make 14 then make 16 x15 tmes long then break down the same as you started 14 12 6 but make sure you finish on the ring with 6 tye of that will give you 21 meshes or 3foot 6 net net see if that helps
  19. the answer to that is yes also they will be a lot easier to handle and a lot quiter and get on better
  20. excuse my spelling just got home and my fingers are freezing hope you get the jist of what i mean
  21. toget mine use to the collar i bought two walking harnesess and wald the as some body said when they know it means good times they come arunnig
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