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Everything posted by bosco

  1. good info i too also had the problem of shootting behind the bird everything goes that quick will have to give it a try. cheers lad not long now till the frist barleys cut good few around my way nice and coloured hopeful al go well mickey
  2. can any body explian please my rooster is staring to get white foam stuff start in the corner of his eyes any ideas ? thanks
  3. brilliant couldnt of saided it better lol
  4. simoman yea ur gay and ur as bitchy as the old bags out of corrie if you want to bitch join a fashion site are something hunting site my ass more yapping than anything
  5. got mine the today havnt set it down very good read . just finished the running dog addiction very good jd . was wondering not being rude are you going to reprint ur books as am looking to purchase them and to be honest i cant afford the ebay price looking to know just before i start gather money up lol you should reprint more then 750 think of the money you make lol and every body has a fair chance to get one
  6. them things would bloody take down a cow bit of a waste really . what way the pup coming on wild lrish
  7. just orderd mine. am half way through running dog addication and if thats any thing to go by cant wait good reading.
  8. nice looking pup . i wudnt worry bout it just its skin hasnt toughen up yet it wil be fine lad . wat you think of the mother and father of the pup nice dogs
  9. sure if you got a few runs in a field and move on to anther place . we had a really gud seson this year just in armagh.
  10. tryed the frezzer idea work a treat
  11. got one of the bigger ones they are briallant use them for clearing out and good at digging too b&q £15.00 i think had it bout 7 months now
  12. can you use plastic bottles? would b a lot cheaper going to give it a go this year hundreds of trees round my way and have :wacko: a big litre bin to make it in so hope its nice lol
  13. scum bags look at all the classifides papers buy and sell stuff like that wish you all the luck
  14. well am selling my mk1 its in perfect condition all writing front and back all readable none of it faded and picture at front as well . the dial sticker is in perfect nick . it comes with a mirco collar which fits the ferret and you just attach it to a normal terrier collar. am in northern lreland and will post . am looking £100 selling due to needing a new ferret hutch as am hopefully expecting some kits soon thanks. will try get some pics up
  15. thanks guys i called down the vet got a anitbotic and some other wormer mix in a syringe i hope it brings him round like the garlic thing have to try it
  16. thanks 4 the replys lads hw would u vary the speed ?
  17. was wondering if any one knows how to make a home made lure for exciseing the dogs . if so could you explain in detail please am not the sharp's tool in the shed
  18. was wondering if its wormes he is eating flat out but is really weak and boney i dnt think he is going to last much longer he has no enegry . the coup is off the ground and dry i though it mite be the damp
  19. bosco


    was z are the nets
  20. i want to worm the hen was looking some advice plese
  21. nice going keeps the terrier busy
  22. i know it would be good criac
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