i reckon mr foxy had just been the earth and nomore the dog met it mid tube and pushed it on down . rough digging it was too, more stones than soil but good day out all the same dog worked well down a good 2 3/4 of an hour baying her heart out
well was looking to know if anyone in northern ireland has a live magpie, that they don't need? still no joy with the trap, i need a live bird
thanks, mickey
it must b low on water are the head gasket is gone in the mornig check the water and top up if need to but only do it when the engine is cold . and then check to see if anywhere is leaking water hope it helps
thanks got one in at the mo no joy yet i have it in the middle compartment if that makes a difference. it has the ply board lid, the bird would have to be in the ground to see it ?
whats the best way ? then am going to set the trap bout 8 are 9 miles away at a mates house to lift a bird there to take back to mine so it was sent them crazy a strange bird in there territory
well lads built my self a quick larsen trap to tie myself over till i start to build john b version out of his fantastic trap book too many maggies around the chicken pen. i have springs at each side of the door but i noticed when i accidentally set the trap off the force of the first door going off set the seconded off. was wondering is there a way to fix it ?
nobody must keep these type of dogs lol to give any comment or pic boy this forum has went down hill compared to what it use to be people always had something good to said may it be advice are something just gald am on a other forum got loads of advice an info on there
well i knew it was going to happen at some stage so the right opening happed lst nite me and fathom went down and got a 5/8 3/8 bull pup last nite have to see what all the fuss is about . test its temperment gameness and working abiltyon rabbit and fox. Will try and get a wheaton cross pup when get some more funds up and test it as well and compare for my self . asy good pics of both the crosses to take a look at
best of luck for the comeing season