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Everything posted by bosco

  1. sorry to hear twiggy hope all heals soon.
  2. well done good to see the young dogs coming on
  3. thanks paid good reading best of luck in the comp
  4. nice one what size of rifle you using? lookes to the job spot on
  5. any pics of the dogs on the raw food and veg
  6. havent been any new posts up lately are the first rounds over
  7. nice dogs lad hard to beat a good breed of black dogs
  8. all sorted thanks to byran good business man thanks again
  9. definetly not the collar we tested the collars .In are hunt group we have three d3 collar and boxes cause we were reccommed them. it goes on the blank in stead on coming up CH and giving up a reading
  10. its 95 and new battery in the collar .it just happen once last week then totally quit was round at my mates and it was the same for him thorugh it could be dirt gave it a clean and blow out still the same ???
  11. well me and a friend have got an ortovox d3, both wouldn't be a year old, recently they have just cut out, they wont pick up the collars they turn on but when u swicth it over to find the channel it goes blank and the green light at the bottom flashes. i know there is a five year guarentee with them but was wondering has anyone else experienced this problem? before i get in contact with bryan incase it can be avoided. thanks
  12. good pics of dogs and dig. keep at it have a good season
  13. well done lad digging as it should be
  14. wat do they look like from a birds eye view thats wat really matter
  15. nice dog burzy . you still got any terriers junior good wee bushing dog didnt work to ground one of my friends has him happy as larry with him
  16. pup looking well we feed our lurchers a raw diet during the winter and nuts in the summer vegtables are good gives them all the vitaims that the meat is lacking . you just have to make sure you gave him plenty of walking they dont be to long puting the weight on .
  17. how far down the country is it being held?
  18. i know the feeling all to well when were heading out hunting and on the field all last year pups we have in or group keep killing each other when it comes to digging we have to seperate every single dog 10 ft apart to get some peace lol
  19. good going lad it hard to stop when you start you should try make your own even more satisfying woodga has a dvd how to do it
  20. well done fish fish i wish you the best sucess
  21. i agree top class got spring off him very strong quaity . will soon be getting your bobwire doors john b what price are they
  22. i wndnt be the best at organising stuff but someone thats good at that stuff and take charge it would intresting
  23. hope it works out for yous over there . its a start if anything
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