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Everything posted by RustyG

  1. I uses lamps for both dogs and air rifles, and ocasionaly shotguns, mostly out of vehicles but sometimes on foot, heres what my perfect lamp would be....... It neads to have a dimmer, be able tohave filters fitted to it, can be run off either a car cigaret lighter or battery, be gun mountable and hand held. I only realy need about a 300 yard beam, i probly wouldnt use it to its full range, but apreciate the extra brightness it gives closer in. The wight of the battery pack doesnt realy matter, as i would put it in a bag or on a belt. It should also have a bunjee type cable. I like quite a
  2. Yeah that rat was good, well proud of him , his prey drive is comin on every day, he has been chassing pigeons in horsham park, proper gets down low and stalks them like a cat! well funny, he hasnt got one yet but hes gettin closer! Took him out with peppa the patadale today, see if she would flush any rabits for him 2 have a look at, but not much luck, spent most of the time play rucking with peppa, he is gettin quick as well!
  3. you wait till i get him his new bailer twine slip lead, bare diddycoy style! I am new to all this running dog malarkey, so any advice for training/working would be most apriciated!!!
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