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Everything posted by chrissy32

  1. as above ive just read the book finnish,d it today at work lol any way i thought it was a real good read a good buy i would have said and the old boy really seems to know his stuff all though im sure he should after all these years off digging i like the look ov jason powell stuff he seems to have bred and had some real good terriers over the years i would,nt mind knowing more about them atb chris
  2. We call in most of the predators and shoot them before letting the dog loose.We use the dog as a blood trailer for predators and several other species - since the bobcat in the picture she has caught or treed several wounded Grey Fox and a couple of other bobcat's - she knows to stay out of reach from the bobcats and she is more than a match for a Grey Fox. We have also trained her to blood-trail deer - We archery hunt for deer and Elk , when you shoot an animal with a razor tip / broad-head arrow the animal bleeds to death and can sometimes run leaving a hard to find trail. A dog trained to b
  3. big stan as a pup believe it or not this vixen was let to run for another day
  4. a parks bred dog from flint to a bitch well bred "ev" breeding seems to be going well dug him 4 times now he,s a bit hard but im sure he,ll steady up still a bit ov an egg 16 months old so going to leave him now till the end of the year atb chris
  5. you getting advice from old nog and your comeing out with crack like that ????????? have a think ? your in to ferreting and bushing fcuk me rodney i think hes got it atb chris
  6. just dont bother showing them bud if your happy with them why feel the need to prance around a ring with them and im not trying to be a arse by saying that bottom line is you go to these terrier shows these days and 90% of these terriers are just lap dogs fanney lickers and most judges will pick these fanney lickers because your dogs have a few marks around there face and i think this is some think you,ll see for your self but be honest they all ways look a little bit better with a bit clarret around there chops atb chris
  7. He doesnt want to shoot rats Mine is open for ALL humane despatch anywhere..Jesus dont any you lads get close to your foxes?? Some weird replies here by the sounds ov some of the lads on here i think there a little bit cacky arse just put you hand and grab it or you dernt then a 243 would sort the job but stand back about 100 yards should just about do
  8. good luck with him bud hope he finds a good home and by the way there is some propper nobs on here who hide behind there laptops go for it arm chair poacher,s
  9. 2/5 stone i think it,s called a plugg he,ll always make a good stop end for when there on the run about
  10. i would,nt be partin with it just yet mate you might be needing it again next season
  11. very nice they look like a good strong litter atb chris
  12. ive been thinking about moving to finland any spare beds going well done lads a good start to a nice thread
  13. ive just been getting a new lurcher from a good pal ov mine and he,s a well bred bull cross i just dont trust him around sheep bottom line is first chance he gets i think he,ll be eating lamp stir fry any ideas lads he,s a 2 year old and only ever been used for terrier work and befor the daft "Q" start coming he,s no problem on any thing else he,s a 3 1/4 greyhound 1/4 bull so any good ideas are more than welcome atb chris
  14. how much dose the man with the white van want for the white van atb chris
  15. it,s got the best engine being a 300tdi but far to pricey for what your asking bud but all the same good luck with the sale atb chris
  16. why not let the bloke say what he has to say i think thats the biggest problem on here all to many people ready to stick the boot in ive even done it my self but i think the young lads got a point ie whats the best colour terrier goods good i say small tall big thin as long as they want to get there they will atb chris
  17. nice coat you have on him do they do them in bull cross size but i only want mine in camo tooooooo
  18. £200 quid for a pair of wellies i would,nt have thought so and im no farmer if there that nice to put on your little tutsise keep them because the cheap seats on here wont buy them
  19. Isn't the tail so you can pull them by it too, if stuck? No its bloody not! Any more than YOUR ear isnt a handle for dragging you about! SO here we are again your comment no its bloody not, , OK lets just say you terrier to ground you have dug to it its locked on , so you need to despatch humanly the quarry being a pheasant killing fox, 1 do you call come on patch come patch theirs a good fellow come to daddy 2 put your hand in a stroke the good little boy and caress him out of the hole 3 ask
  20. £280 for a dog that dont know the game on the lamp bit steep aint it mate i sold a bitch 100%day and night for less than that looks like another bloke thats just hear to sell shite this aint epups mate dose the dog come with a trial or a meet up and fook off then find out its crap some people just cant be pleased you,d pay 250 for a pup so 280 for some thing that can yank any thing out ov a hole or run with hounds seems like a fair price to me
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