im looking for a terrier pup bitch only and parks stuff preffered some thing bully im not in any rush so if some one out there is looking to be having a litter next year ive lost a good little bitch i know i cant replace her but i would like the chance to try cheers chris i know i may all so get in the sh.t for putting this ad up here so sorry if ive pissed any of the team off
all jokes set aside lads tape up one bit of water on the old stuff and it,s game over and i would like to see how he,s getting in a few months good luck and a very good start for a young dog
well lads all i can say is get them snap,d up i digg with woody a good few times a year and if i know cheif he wont keep any type ov sh.t good luck woody with the sale some ones going to get there self propper running dogs
like ive said let him take his time for rest but when all come,s to all would you stick your head around that corner just to know whats coming i think he,s still got a load ov miles left yet just let the old fella crack on
ive got a 5 and a half year old dog my self and yer he may take a little longer to recover but when he,s down you know your getting it so on that note let him take his time for a rest but dont stop him doing what he loves
hi there i bought a reflex t8 sound mod for my 222.250 any way cut a long story short this was bought two years ago any way i got my rifle out of the gun cabinet the other day only to notice two little pin hole,s in the sound mod it seems to be rusting from the in side out over has any one else ever had these problems cheers chris
them mark 2/3 box are a load ov old sh*t because when your some where you should,t be they sound like a disco but all the same bud good luck with your sale