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Everything posted by chrissy32

  1. heres mine lakeland/ bull russel old frankie boy heres mine lakeland/ bull russel old frankie boy Looks a strong dog him mate.. good pics yes fella he is he was bred about six years ago by a pal of mine off this site hornman and yes he is a big strong dog and deals with the redens no problems by the way the pup looks the bizz good look with him fella atb chris
  2. heres mine lakeland/ bull russel old frankie boy
  3. lads the book has gone to a lad who has just started with terriers (TERRIERCENTRAL) i,ll send as soon as im back atb cheers chris
  4. lads ive got a book on patterdale terriers that ive all ready read it,s in real good condition and only been read once i dont want want any thing for it just pm me cheers atb chris
  5. i would say you should have the time of your life breaking through should be the best part good luck have a good day fella
  6. this is not point at yours but start them young and most will finish young (ie hard ones) and i know more than most how shit this is ive had them from eggs and watched them walk and any body who loves this job would have to say it,s got to be the most sicking feeling ever so now i like to keep them back even if they feel there ready to go
  7. Not the best pic but I'll have to check to see if I've got any others of him. how old are the young dogs lads ?
  8. i would this line is probley one ov the best around even still today there hard and good stayers wich i think we all know makes a very good terrier and love a one in my kennels
  9. thats a naughty shot cant fault ya
  10. she looks like a smart bitch there bud so what numbers is she up to ? good luck atb chris
  11. i had one about 4 years ago stright half cross patterdale/staff she couldnt find very well bud when she did it was lights out stinky cu*t she was a real hard bitch but i couldnt kennel her with any thing so she had to go and gave her away as a pet to some one i know they still have her and she,s still a mean bast*rd good luck fella
  12. i hope you here some good news and keep us all posted good luck fella
  13. cracking job bud well done when will you,s lads be out next
  14. lads all i can say is theres not 2 many terriers that i know of could ov done any thing with this spot but ask your self this "Q" how long could you fight for this spot only had two holes but we got marks a least 25 meters both side ov them and to the top ov the bank reading 5.5 meters deep when we broke through it just look,d like me sticking my head through the roof ov your front room on any normal day the little fcuker would probley bolt but what can you digg to apart from fresh air with tubes like that so come on lads dont be given all this the dog should stick to your quarry shite
  15. it seems like the little red one has found his feet well done lads
  16. is your head zipped up at the back wooden head i think when god was given out brains you thought he said drains and ask for two for your dog pens oh hang on a min i for got we dont know any thing about terriers do we ive probley only been digging for as long as you but all the same do you get them all
  17. i,ll tell you why it,s a lucky because it nealy got fed to 26" bull cross so there for it,s lucky would you not say and as far as dose it normally work like that go if you only new what graft that little dog has done in the past few weeks probley more than most would see in 3 months so like ive said woody the little dog did the biss it just was,nt his day
  18. cracking looking pups how many are you keeping your self atb chris
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