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Everything posted by young_london_hunter

  1. as its aproaching christmas time was wondering if we could start this topic up again. im ordering the Complete lurcher by brian plummer and was scouring the internet looking at breeds. Met a guy down in cormwall who had some lovely little lurchers, and my mate's bedddyxwhippet is coming along nicely. Have decided that either a beddyx or an acdx would be a lovely dog to get, any opinions ?
  2. 7 ? confused could an average dog have done it ? their strong not sure if their too soft-mouthed
  3. before the ban do you reckon a fit German shorthaired pointer could take on a fox singlehanded ? i know GWP's that could do it but what about the shorthairs ? their a little slimmer but faster thanks in advance
  4. I had a bsa comet was alrite killed a fair few rabbits and stuff with it your fieldcraft ahs to be goodas your range is limited. the problem with mine was that after about a year when i really 'bonded' with the gun, the spring dropped to four ft/lbs get a more quality gun if i was you can't recomend the 95k highly enough
  5. second hand HW95K if you lucky, lovely gun put some bisley superfields through it and your never miss or the xl heard good things about them never used one myself though
  6. In the title i guess if you haven't seen it it's on bbc i-player good to start some conversation over it
  7. i begged for my GSP for about a year lol, love him to bits, training a lurcher i was looking for ? also what kind of cross do you reckon ?
  8. given up on hunting .. have we ?

  9. Right been away for a few days so ghaven't seen this Firstly i wake up at 6:00 raining or not every day to walk my dog, he does on average 12 miles a day secondly, he was going to be a working dog but didn't make the grade but i still train him and i was thinking of using him in conjunction with the lurcher (good idea or not ?) thirdly, i absaloutely love hunting and you can ask whippeter 69as i have been hunting with him, also been on the monachty shoot where there were aa lot of people on here i was asking for some good books to read and some people to meet in the hampshire/sussex
  10. Hi, Came into this section as im thinking of branching into lurchers, I already shoot, fish and own a dog (GSP) Don't really know much about them and was wondering what kind of books to read, people to meet etc etc. I already have one dog and train him all the time, give him 4 hours (tiring )of exercise a day so another dog would not be a problem. Any advice at all will be greatly thanked thanks
  11. Hi me and my mate are going down to the pett level, he has a house their until wednesday He doesn't spend a lot of time their and so sees no point in getting permission, he has permission elsewhere . WE HAVE : a sea fishing rod 2 air rifles deben camo net 2 puppies lol (GSP and beddyxwhippet) if anyone wants a helping hand even if just running to retrieve shot game or if anyone could show us the ropes for seafishing (were b******* !) will be greatly thanked
  12. was gunna go to a junkyard and wire one up in some foam with sealant and stuff lot of effort but will probably just get a gun lamp
  13. surely a car headlight would be good ? what about a maglite 4 cell ?
  14. didnt work made too much noise lol any tips could i use a car battery ?
  15. new to lamping , what time ? car light or maglite ? any good tactics ?
  16. i was using the biggest maglite ? not really mine but some fields we kinda own, 4 acres
  17. been lamping with my brother in our garden with a maglite but found it is too weak would a car work and if so any tips ? thanks
  18. how do you get the pics without the link ?
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