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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. Yeah as the 2 guys said, makes a good liquid fertiliser but have never dug them in like manure though.
  2. I am got a nice set up, up the allotment, just not been able to keep on top of the weeds, but slowly, I am
  3. The race is back on and I'm not even going to post pictures of my pumpkins haha, but I have managed to revive and make my plants healthy, it was a long road but it is done, now back onto the good old bit of beating you lot Joe P.S. I may post pics when I realise how to get the photos from my camera to my laptop...I'm a little slow like that. Joe
  4. Okay a nice handful of straw will slow down the rotting, as the moisture from the ground will slowly seep through, but just keep changing it say twice a week if that and you will be fine, or a more efficient way if to stick a small square of polystyrene or however you spell it under, and that does the job. The key is to just raise the fruits a tiny bit of the ground so they dont rot, anything will do so long as it isn't a quick absorber. Hope this helped, Joe
  5. Well my plot has all started to rot due to all this rain, and then sudden heat!!!!! I hope they survive. Joe
  6. JoeD


    I work at costco ... its suprisingly more fun than you think!
  7. JoeD


    I haven't heard of any round there and certainly haven't seen them (outside of the zoo) But it wouldn't suprise me if there where some wild. Joe
  8. Erm swam with manatees, Swam with dolphins, and held an Indian cobra. I will be doing a lot more once in a lifetime things as well. Joe
  9. JoeD


    there just so happens to be a zoo on dunstable downs so not to hard to figure where they from Not talkin about where there from , my opinion is no need to say exacly where certain things are . It's a big old place! and open to the public, don't think there is any harm in mentioning it, also stated, theres one of the biggest zoo's in the Country smack bang in the middle, with loads of them hopping about. Really don't think it matters if I mention the area. I could understand if I mentioned the farm, or geographical locations......but I haven't.
  10. Depends on the land, and how many rabbits are there but I would say if your good, snares, but then again longnets will catch loads if done right, and ferrets again will push out any underground, so it all varies, it is a pretty broad question.
  11. JoeD


    Dunstable downs....f*****g nuisance, if you go at certain times of the day there are more wallabys than rabbits visible and there are loads of rabbits there! hmm, I wonder what they taste like bet the australians eat them..worth a try ...imagine how long a leg would last They aren't that big but they are lovely eating!
  12. My dad makes jam all the time so I will get him to teach me with your recipe
  13. JoeD


    Dunstable downs....f*****g nuisance, if you go at certain times of the day there are more wallabys than rabbits visible and there are loads of rabbits there! hmm, I wonder what they taste like Ive not tried dunstable wallaby steaks haha, but I have tried wallaby steak and they are lovely! I have permission for ferreting on part of the downs, and I always watch them, dog big holes though!
  14. JoeD


    Dunstable downs....f*****g nuisance, if you go at certain times of the day there are more wallabys than rabbits visible and there are loads of rabbits there!
  15. I have your book so will be making it soon can you use the red sweet gooseberries?
  16. You wont get permission on here but you are more than welcome to come out with me, come september/october I will be out twice a week minimum. PM me for more info Joe
  17. Col I know it is stupid! but I have enough water on my plot to last me the year haha so drought or not.....I should be growing fecking water cress!
  18. Tell me about it! I have had to dig trenches around my beds and making holes in the soil just so it doesn't become waterlogged! Joe
  19. Hi guys, for anyone whos doing the contest just wondering what your plants are like? I have a couple that are crap aren't doing anything, but I have a few plants that are really healthy and look great. I hope your all having a successful growing season and would love to see pics of the end harvests. All the best and happy growing, Joe
  20. Tinman sorry to hear about your chooks, and I know with all this waterlogged soil (the next plotholder over from us has a pond) and that over flowed and has made part of my lotty like a swamp! Still need to keep our chins up haha, I weeded about 1/4 of my plot yesterday and today looks dry so will be going up there shortly and will try to atleast get half of it done, but hoping for me! Joe
  21. Haha sorry for the bad news, but why not do what I done, and get a few friends or your kids, have a few beers (for adults of course) and whatever and make it fun. We done the whole plot in about 4 hours between 5 of us.
  22. It depends what you grow but whatever you do will mean a lot of work, but sandy soil normally has good drainage so digging sand into the earth should improve the soil, or gravel (don't use gravel if you are growing root veg such as carrots, parsnips etc) Raised beds are the best idea in my eyes though, a lot of work but easier to manage Joe
  23. Haha I am sure your not that bad a gardener as long as theres no water sitting at the base of the plant (ie swamped) then you can't over watering them.
  24. My allotment is the opposite, the drainage is so good, that you have to water everything twice..but this rain, its non stop haha so saved me watering. But it is another day of crap weather so another day of no work but hey tomorrow is a deffinate, come rain or shine!
  25. Guys I haven't been up the allotment for about 8/9 days due to heavy rain, went up to just see how everything was today and the weeds! some are knee high! A lot of work over the next few days (if it stays relatively dry) Just keep on top of it guys, also anyone in the watford area want to give me a hand, PM me haha xD Joe
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