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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. I wanna see him V's the stig in a race lol that would be a sick top gear.
  2. I put a post on here asking if I could tag along and Richie and Stubby offered and I appreciate it loads.
  3. JoeD

    UFC 91

    Exactly no matter how experienced you are, if you get caught in a lock they are hard to get out of.
  4. JoeD

    BABY P.

    Never a truer word spoken. The mother should be hanged simple as that.
  5. Like Romeo and Juliet maybe, families at war but two found love but they took it one step further than Romeo and made babies I am so sad lol
  6. As a lot of you may know I am thinking of getting ferrets soon, well I am planning on getting them early next year, and I am going to build a hutch and/or run I ahvent got loads of space only about 1 or 2 metres maybe a bit more. Does anyone have any plans I can use for the hutch as I am rather stuck and also materials I should use as I have been told by many people there the escape artists of the animal kingdom. Any help would be appreciated. JoeD
  7. Maltenby it looks like a long cat lol, nice ferret though.
  8. JoeD

    Abandoned dog

    Sorry just realised I put this in the wrong section, can one of the mods move it please.
  9. Well me and my dad went off down the dump today and on the way home just down my road there was this pitbull X, it was a young bitch, had no ID visible just a chain lead and collar. I opened the window to get a look at it as I didn't want to just get out just incase it's a vicious dog. Well anyway we couldn't see any ID tag or anything so we drove home, which is only about 30 seconds away and I rang the council they put me through to animal control and I gave them all the details and my details and all that. But an hour later I just went to see if it had been picked up and what a suprise nope
  10. Fooking hell, looks like a film set or something :S
  11. JoeD

    Big Cats

    There have been quite a few sheep that have been taken by which looks like a cat kill, well they say it looks like it, I have yet to see pictures, and the ones I have seen look like its been mauled by ssomething other than a cat.
  12. Love you to, and boys back of shes mine now :) best gal you could ever find she is.

  13. http://www.sms-text-guide.com/text-speak-t.html Here you go
  14. JoeD

    UFC 91

    Should be a good fight and don't want to bet on either lol, I don't reckon it will go the 3 rounds though. and the undercard well I am going to say Kenny. Do you ever go to cage rage by anychance or any other events around the country. I have been to a few cage rage and that is good fun, last one I went to was when a polish fighter lost and he had like 300 fans and they kicked off, and me and my brother was in the middle getting threats, was a fun evening, like always.
  15. Na the American one with the moose on top of the car and they couldn't get it back off so the reversed in circles, that's my favourite part of top gear.
  16. JoeD


    Well villiebones, all that means to me is I will have to work even harder, I would rather try than regret not trying, it just means a challenge to me.
  17. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GsfVw9xxoNY lol sorry I just thought this fits in quite nicely.
  18. JoeD


    City and Guild National Certificate in Animal Care, different colleges work with different animals like mine is mainly rabbits/guinea piga, rodents and dogs lol but they turned down my idea of socialising rabbits and ferrets lol
  19. JoeD


    Lol my course i'm doing at college is basically handling, health checking and training dogs and other animals but mainly dogs lol. I am hopefully popping into the careers office in wembley soon.
  20. JoeD


    I have actually talked my mum and dad into signing the permission form to join the full time army as a dog handler/trainer. I said in my last post I have way to much stuff to do in life, well life can wait. Oh and I found out you learn to drive for free
  21. JoeD


    Right everyone sorry but this is quite a pointless topic, but I am thinking of joining the TA, I would love to join the armed forces full time but, I have way to much I wanna do with my life. What do all you lot think about the TA or does anyone else know anyone in the TA. JoeD
  22. I have 2 extra tickets to discover dogs, and instead of them going to waste I would rather someone have them, so if anyone wants them free of course then give me a ring anytime after 7am on my mob ----------- and we can arrange to meet outside or something and i'll give them to you, sorry about the short notice, it's just 2 of my mates have pulled out last minute. Forgot to mention 1st come 1st serve.
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