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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. Just voted 55% say they agree with hunting :-) and the comments that the antis say on there are just pathetic and it's obvious they have no idea. JoeD
  2. If you can get hold of some hessian sacks then put the spuds in that and leave it in a cool shed/garage etc. JoeD
  3. No...........I just like to help fellow people with the same intrests, no point being a miserable sod and keeping information that you can get to yourself is there. JoeD
  4. Nice one, doesn't matter about the size of the bag aslong as it was a good day thats all that matters. JoeD
  5. Ok I know this has nothing to do with hunting but I have been given the chance to go on an animal conservation trip I have the choice of 2 trips either a bornio based trip helping orangutans and helping preserve there habitator or Uganda to help preserve there environment and to help protect the gorillas and chimps. Both trips are quite costly and they reccomend raising money through fundraising it will cost roughly around £7,000 and I am asking for some ideas to raise the money needed. Please sensible suggestions only. Thanks in advance, JoeD
  6. JoeD


    I hate Khan so hopefully he gets smashed around the ring but to be fair I think Khan will win. JoeD
  7. JoeD

    Bit of a shock

    Got one all ready and I have a lot of gear that people have either generously given to me or I have brought of them. I think I am all set and the only way I can see if I do is if I go and try it all out. And thanks for the advice and good coments guys JoeD
  8. 5th September and hopefully every saturday and/or sunday and bank holidays. I got a few people coming out with me hopefully 2 people off this site sometime this season and I have a tutor at my old college going on a few outings with me and maybe my other half if I can persuade her to. JoeD
  9. let me no when ur free joed as the land is a bit closer to you get out for a days sport atb You travelled a long way for a bit of permission but yeah I would be happy for a day out, obvioulsy in return you can have a day on a bit of my land. JoeD
  10. Brilliant result mate, well done. JoeD
  11. A bit harsh labelling all younger ones as having no respect I am 17 and I respect anyone as long as they respect me. And I still believ that the majority of youth nowadays are still respectfull juts the minority that aren't are in the spotlight and people label all of us as bad, bloodfirsty evil human beings. Not having a dig at you or nothing, just disagreed with that statement. JoeD
  12. So sorry to hear that mate and if I was in that situation I would be tracking them down right now.
  13. I would never pay to go on a ferreting day as there are so many decent people out there that wouldn't mind showing you how it is done for free. I stumbled across this on the internet http://www.pakefieldferrets.co.uk/Ferreting%20Days.htm He is asking £60 for a 9am - 3pm day depending on light and weather. If I was ever charging people to ferret which I wouldn't I would charge £10-£15 tops. I just find this ridiculous and I would count it as theft. Rant over, JoeD
  14. I think that is the most vital and important thing you need to learn and I think that some people new to the game forget that, saying that I am new to the game but have always had respect as I have a few friends who come from farming backgrounds and I have done a bit on wildlife management in college. JoeD
  15. Sorry my mistake I got the books mixed up it is Cooking Month by Month by Mark Norwak January - Fish - Carp, Cod, Haddock, Halibut, Herring, Mackerel, Mussels, Oysters, Pike, Plaice, Scallops, Skate, Sole, Sprats, Whiting. Poultry and Game - Chicken, Duck, Goose, Turkey, Hare, Partridge, Pheasant, Pigeon, Plover, Rabbit, Snipe, Wild duck, Woodcock. Veg - Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, Leek, Parsnips, Red Cabbage, Turnips, Watercress. Fruit - Cranberries, Grapefruit, Lemons, Oranges, Rhubarb, Seville Oranges.
  16. I think in one of Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's books he has the seasons and food ready in that season. I will check for you what book in a bit and if I have time I will write it all up. JoeD
  17. JoeD


    It's wrong how they have no idea don't get me wrongm, but I don't think they meant people purposely put out sticky boards to catch small children I think it meant that children can be trapped on them by accident. JoeD
  18. Cabelas big game hunt is a good one.
  19. Good game and at the end of the day we all live country by country so we should all learn to get along with each other it isn't actually that hard if people try. Just not enough people who are willing to try to get on by the sounds of it. JoeD
  20. JoeD

    Bit of a shock

    Went for a look earlier today and he showed me around the place. It's not a massive bit of permission only about 6 acres but when he was showing me around we looked out over the field and there must of been 20-30 rabbits feeding and loads of runs, I forgot my camera but when I am next up there I will take a few pics. I said I usually do it in the autumn/winter so I start this bit of permission in September. JoeD
  21. JoeD

    Black eye

    Good luck to him, I also recently started boxing (about 2 months ago) and sparring is the best bit. JoeD
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