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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. Got a phonecall today so I will be starting my season properly tomorrow. No babies round here all the young are 1/2 grown here now. JoeD
  2. Thanks for the replies, they are only 10-11 weeks old but already have long nails, and wondered If It was too soon to clip them......I havent kept polecats for 20 plus years, and never clipped them then.......Is this something that should be done on a regular basis?.....When the children were young and kept rabbits we had to do them every 6 weeks.....Sparko If they are on a hard surface like concrete for some time then this should wear the nails down naturally. I have even heard of people putting cat scratching posts in for ferrets. Other than that do them when they get too long is th
  3. If you have someone else to help you, let them hold the ferret and you have 2 hands which make it easier. JoeD
  4. Can't wait only 2 more weeks till my season starts Like Stealthy said it's worst than christmas eve.
  5. i didnt mate, it set itself! I got this recipe from my mam and its lovely!! 6lbs brambles and 1 pint of water, simmer for 20 mins Strain overnight in a jelly bag, dont squeeze bag or let it touch the juice thats dripped or it goes cloudy Next morning add 1 lb sugar to every pint of liquid Boil rapidly for around 20 mins Thats it and its lovely! no fannying on with pectin or owt, just that and its great! ive just made 3 jars of bramble and apple jam, will test it later! Does yours have the fruit bits in it aswell then and the seeds or is it just jelly? That
  6. Yeah this one seems dead but I am not going to risk my ferrets so rather get it checked out first to be on the safe side. JoeD Yea good luck with it anyway mate Thanks, I will post the pics soon so people can make judgement for themselves.
  7. They are quite common in the woods near me and all along the canal, I always thought they where weeds, but I am now intrigued with them and will be out with my trowel next time I am near where I have seen them. JoeD
  8. Yeah this one seems dead but I am not going to risk my ferrets so rather get it checked out first to be on the safe side. JoeD
  9. Yep Stealthy I will be back up there tomorrow, Friday or Saturday will post pics then, sorry about nothing sooner.
  10. I have walked past these loads of times and now I know I can eat them :-) Thanks to this thread I now have more free food. JoeD
  11. Agree seen it a few times.atb. Catcher 1 Ok thanks guys, I will take some pics when I go up there tomorrow to get some blackberries :-) but if it is a badger I don't think the ferts will be going down there. JoeD
  12. Cut into small bits, and fry them with mushrooms and black pudding. Very simple but tasty. JoeD
  13. Ok sorry about no pictures at the moment but I will upload them within the next week. But on one of my permissions there is a big hedge warren with 60+ holes anyway near the end of the hedge there are 3 big entrances which are about 2ft high by about 1 1/2 ft wide, I have never seen an entrance this size before and don't want to put a ferret down it just incase it's a fox hole or something. But it is within say a metre of the rabbit warrens. Are they just big rabbit holes or are they something else. Thanks in advance, JoeD
  14. I think it's called welders mesh and you can get it from any store like B&Q or Wicks. JoeD
  15. Llamas are evil things when they want to be and give a good kick that hurts and if they spit at your eyes it stings like buggery. Alpaccas on the other hand try to kick you and it feels no worse than a slap on the leg, but usually run off if they get annoyed. JoeD These are the newly shaven Alpaccas at college :-)
  16. Countryboyo my ferrets get those real hard rubber dog balls and thick rope and dog rings also they like things like gardening gloves and wellies to crawl around in, I am also thinking of putting in a cat scratching post to climb up and scratch the claws down. JoeD
  17. My college had alpaccas, they are the most stupidest, clumsiest animals you will ever get to work with. They are also becoming quite a popular business as there coat is worth quite a bit of money. JoeD
  18. I have a pro diablo and it is powerfull, and I have shot pigeons and rats with them at a fairly long range. I still would say make your own though. JoeD
  19. No cure for myxo but you should get pet rabbits vaccinated for it before it's to late. JoeD
  20. JoeD

    My home town.

    The glorious town of Watford...........famous back in the day as a railway town and for body snatchers :-) Oh and the moghty Watford FC
  21. You learn through mistakes so I would say carry on and best of luck with it. JoeD
  22. This is my one that I use. This is to confirm that: (Name of hunter) Has been granted permission to ferret for rabbits on land situated at: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Using: ferrets and nets By myself: Mr/ Mrs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Being the rightful and legal *owner/*agent/*tenant of the above-mentioned lan
  23. R.I.P a true hero just like everyone that has fought for this country. They are the reason we have freedom of speach in this country, even though that freedom gets abused. JoeD
  24. When I done animal care at college my ferrets got bathed every now and then for a bit of experience for other students in ferret handling and behaviour etc, they used puppy shampoo it obvioulsy cleans the coat but they smell exactly the same withing a few hours. I only let them bath the ferrets so they got even more handling and used to other people and they love a swim. JoeD Edit to say: the shampoo we used was made of all natural ingrediants and nothing was added to it that could harm the ferret in anyway. Some dog shampoos can be too strong for ferrets and some ingredients can be q
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