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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. Don't know if this is the right topic to post it on but this orchard that I ferret on has a load of sloe trees and the old guy who owns the orchard said take what you want as he don't use it, and to be honest I didn't know what sloes even looked like till a few weeks ago and noticed that he had them in his orchard.....what a result. JoeD
  2. JoeD


    If you kill a spider more will mov into that room, because spiders are very teritorial and will prevent other spiders from entering, thats why I always leave spiders alone, and going back to the original question no I'm not scared of them and infact love spiders. JoeD
  3. Hope the dogs allright and if it was dumped in the streets then shame on whoever dumped it. JoeD
  4. I would disagree because some people want to join up and just read the posts and pick up info that way, but obvioulsy there might be a few antis on there, and aslong as you don't post illegal stuff, exact locations, phone numbers etc then they can't do nothing about it, nothing to hide, nothing to worry about. And some people might not want to post in fear that whatever they say will end up in a slagging match or sarcasm or something similar. But thats just my oppinion JoeD
  5. Good tat mate, shame about the team though
  6. You start early don't you, when I was at school we used to start on the 1st wednesday of September. JoeD
  7. Just for knowledge purposes is it true that no form of hunintg can be done on Xmas day?
  8. JoeD


    Chances are Poacher and BTS it won't happen but then again anything is possible. JoeD
  9. Couldnt agree more..... I remember ages ago a lad putting a picture up of a fat dog and asking what people thought........when i said the dogs overweight the kid got all angry and full of venom The bit i like is when they post a picture and then say " no negative comments please " ..................dont post a picture if you only want good things said ! Yes you are right, but oppinions are one thing but then along come the idiots with personal comments that are bang out of order, If you like the tat say you do if not say you don't but at the end of the day and I hope people agr
  10. JoeD


    I wish I was lol JoeD
  11. It might be distemper, do you know if he has been vaccinated against it? Hope he pulls through and best of luck with him JoeD
  12. JoeD


    It isn't harmfull at all to us, the dogs, ferrets or whatever you feed them to, once prepared it just looks like any other rabbit prepared, just a lot less meat on them. Most people don't eat myxi rabbits because they don't like the way they look, and it puts them off and thats fair enough, me on the other hand think thats a waste of an animal and threfore if I don't eat it, then the ferrets will. JoeD
  13. And who does the piss taking.........think it through mate. But leave it now and get back to the original subject. JoeD
  14. Wannabe yes (but the magority of people on here are true hunter) Peddlers yes (but again the magority are not) Members do make the site yes and the decent ones have left because of the immaturity and brain size of people on here and not because there are wannabes. Banter is fine and so is sharing a laugh but when banter gets into slagging people off then it ruins the site. There is no question about that. end of. JoeD
  15. JoeD


    i bloody hope it doesnt last long. they are still ok to eat tho arent they? i just dont think its very sporting to stalk a mixi, but i dont want them to suffer at the clutches of this horrible disease. Yep all perfectly fine to eat although the serioulsy infected ones wont have much meat on them. Only rabbits get affected by it. JoeD
  16. I've met friends on here aswell, big whoop whats that got to do with anything, and whats wrong with sticking up for people aye, nothing it's called being a good mate and thats what THL is supposed to be a community not a "i'll slag you off" forum because i'm hard. Saying that I will be the bigger man and leave you to think you won an internet battle GO YOU!!!!!!!!! JoeD
  17. No one is commenting on the fact that he called you a wanker, is because you are acting like one, you can't deny that, now I have a hell of a lot of respect for everyone as long as they act in a respectable way and your not doing that. They only slate you because you slated MLB sorry if the truth hurts but tough shit. JoeD
  18. Exactly, fair play for standing up for someone Miss Tarka, I have no ime for these immature name calling who just thinkk its 'ard to try and belittle others on the internet, grow a pair and stop arguing on a forum, it doesn't prove anything. Oh this is not aimed at you Miss Tarka it's aimed DottyDoo. JoeD
  19. what!!! a wanker: Now beofre you start calling me names I don't care but to point out what you said there to davy is bang out of order, why not show off what you shot, everyone else does, and calling people fat aint nice either, end of story. And just because you THINK you where right does not mean you are and the polite thing to say would be "i'm sorry if I offended anyone" Now stop being a little I'm right you're wrong type person and get some manners, it's not hard. All the best JoeD
  20. Stu you will meet some great lads off of here like I did, and when your down you can come with me as you know. Joe
  21. Looks good mate. I will be making my own very shortly. JoeD
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