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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. Dunk the chicken in hot water (too hot for your hand) and keep it in there for about a minute get it out and the water would of melted the fat and feathers will come out easier. Hope its helped, JoeD
  2. How long have you had them and are the ex battery chooks? As it may be old age and if they are ex battery then they will be skinny ours are and still lay each day and have food and water for them in daylght hours etc. If they seem fine in themselves then I wouldn't worry about it. Hope it has helped, JoeD
  3. If he is gay hes gay, I don't agree with it personally but if it's who he is then he can't help it. And I think he was a bit out of order to his wife for not telling her in the 1st place! and i'm sure I read somewhere about him getting divorced. JoeD
  4. Merry Christmas Dawn and everyone else on THL hope everyone has a good one. JoeD
  5. Ok people, it's nearly the end of the year and I always set new years resolutions, last years was to lose 4 stone and start a sport, well I can tick both of those boxes I have lost about 5 stone and have tried boxing but am now well and trully part of the rugby team. This years resolutions though are to experience more hunting and to cut down on drinking, as I seem to be drinking a bit to much for my liking. What are everyone elses? Best of luck in whatever yours are. JoeD And Merry Christmas all
  6. I will be there and I have 3 or 4 friends who will be more than happy too, any date just give me notice.
  7. lol ok fair enough, I know they have coats but just didn't want them getting pneumonia(sp) but I think I will leave them be then next time :-)
  8. Ok so I just found out my ferrets love to play in the snow....no suprise there! anyway I was wondering if when they do play and get wet should i dry them off after or will they be ok as they are? Only asking as I don't want to get them ill! Thanks, JoeD
  9. No, all land is owned by someone so needs to have permission from that person/persons. JoeD
  10. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showforum=7 find it here mate
  11. you can come and take our weather....horrid out.
  12. you can come and take our weather....horrid out.
  13. JoeD


    Congrats to both you and your girlfriend
  14. £20 - £60 depending on farrier round here in West Herts.
  15. Try to give them meat as much as possible but if none is available i give them some ferret biscuits.
  16. Yep fair play to them for once, still can't believe the copper is still trying to deny killing the dogs. JoeD
  17. One of my dogs don't like people in hats
  18. JoeD


    I don't live anywhere near there, but best of luck with your fight mate. JoeD
  19. How much did it cost you to make that press, I am impressed with that. Well done. JoeD
  20. He wouldn't have that money if it wasn't for Watford, worst thing we ever done was buy him even though he scored us goals he is just a knob. JoeD
  21. Nice one JoeD,top marks for digging it out tho',lets hope you backfilled now eh? Of course I backfilled, but that was the easy part. JoeD
  22. Ok just to clarify it wasnt 9ft straight down, it was a 9ft hole, must of been about a 6ft deep, and going in at 9ft wide. JoeD Edit to say: either way it wa s abstard to dig.
  23. You can come dig for me next time then
  24. just wondering JoeD you didn't mention a locator at all (unless the word 'TRACK 'is refering to a locator?)so i assume it was 9ft after you measured the hole you dug? Not only will you never forget your spade next time,you'll also have invested in a ferret locator to save time,but then why bother you did well without one this time LOL. No I must admit I didn't use a locator and was following the dogs nose i started digging up a tunnel that the dog was marking, and it just got deeper and deeper then the dog was fixed on one spot so dug down and kept going till I found it. But I will
  25. Yes JoeD you really should've taken a picture,some of us are in awe of your digging prowess,you don't own a terrier by any chance and are not prone to exaggeration? I own 2 terriers neither really work but my dad brought one up when I told him to get a spade and next time if this type of thing unfortunately happens the camera will be out, just the first time was just a bit of a shock so didn't even think about it at the time. JoeD
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