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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. Well my ferrets diet consists of dry food in the summer, but when the flys die off they get Rabbit, Chicken drumsticks/thighs etc, turkey mince or turkey kneck, Squirrel, pigeon, pheasant, fish (mine get a bit of fresh trout (they love it) and thats about it. JoeD
  2. JoeD


    If you don't like it ask for your account to be deleted, and go on some other hunting site.
  3. Never had a problem with straw, we get ours from a farm supplier at about £3/4 a big bag. Never had ticks or anything. Joe
  4. You are 100% right, who cares what others think as long as you and the permission owner is happy thats all that matters. Joe
  5. I don't think the ferrets will mind, mine haven't ever had a problem with it and I am sure no others have, they aren't like humans, they aren't picky and will eat any meat in any way. Joe
  6. I rarely gut anything that are fed to the ferrets, I do piss them though and sometimes make an insert into the stomach so it is easier for the ferts to get stuck in. At the end of the day in the wild they won't be gutted for them so I try and keep it as natural as possible. Joe
  7. No chuck it in whole, I do it with rabbits aswell. Joe
  8. I very very very rarely have any issues with the public and I ferret a huge public park (I have permission from the council) and I also ferret on private grounds that have footpaths through, and like I said I rarely have any issues, infact I have had some come up and are just curious to what I am doing and we have a chat and they watch for a bit asking questions, I have even been asked by someone if they can buy a rabbit off of me, which instead I just gave them it for free. Joe
  9. www.guntrader.co.uk
  10. You have to mention that then when in court.
  11. I wouldn't of accepted anything personally. But you can't help that now. Explain what happened, and if no evidence to go on they can't do that much. Depends if the "scratch is a just a scratch, their dog was injured, or if their dog was out of control aswell, so if I'm honest anything can happen. I wish you the best none the less, and fingers are crossed for you, If you have witnesses then use them. Joe
  12. http://www.ronniesunshines.com/ The best and cheapest place for Dutch ovens. Joe
  13. Was there dog off the lead, was either dog hurt, and where the dogs out of control or was it easily dealt with? And yes deffinately take it further for the kicking of the dog as that would be classed as unnecesary suffering.
  14. If their dog was off the lead, then use the control of dogs act 1991 or 1992 against them, as legally a dog must have a collar and lead and be controlled by the owner at ALL times in public places. Saying that if it is your dog that attacked their dog then your in shit. You can also counter prosecute with the Animal Welfare Act 2006 for kicking your dog and causing unnesecary pain. Joe
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrlJaTLE-0Y&feature=related All the best and hope you have a lot of fun. If you want any other recipes I can always send you some of mine just depends what you want. Joe
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHYqGPBMyzY&feature=related
  17. The bread is easy to cook, do you have a dutch oven? if you don't get one, they are really good. These should help you out with the bread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NIadr3F2QA&feature=related
  18. Wonder if you would say that to his face? or family..kids etc he new theres a chance of a lion turnin on him so more fool him i say Exactly and for a matter of fact not trying to make myself sound hard as I'm not but yeah I would happily say it to his face he deserved everything he got, its unfortunate he didn't get killed. Joe
  19. Good I don't agree with circuses with animals. Hope he is hurt, badly! Joe
  20. For my halloween party, I'm going as a gravestone lol, thought it would be a bit different. Joe
  21. Not in Hertfordshire, their loads of rabbits.
  22. www.(!64.56:886/JoeDurrant1991 Anyone can add me Joe
  23. Only gave the gamekeeper about 30 seconds, and those "rescued ferrets where rough looking! Better than what they have shown before but still quite biased. How many complaints do you reckon the BBC will get for showing the snare and lamping? Joe
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