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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. Netting 110 holer you have more drive than me, so fair play, I would of ran a longnet around it. Still 2's better than none. And it's being out that matters in my oppinion rather than numbers. Joe
  2. Nice write up and sounds a great place to ferret Joe
  3. It's not Watford!! I'm from there and by god I am not a northerner no offence but we dont want you. Haha good thing I don't want to be a northerner
  4. It's not Watford!! I'm from there and by god I am not a northerner
  5. All good write ups but I think lampingboy just sealed it for me, but if I could I would vote for all of them.
  6. http://www.gbbo.co.uk/ I know a few people who have used this, you get a .co.uk and its free for 2 years but its not a shit kids one and it's for up and coming businesses, and businesses that want to expand via internet.
  7. Nice one again, we are lucky to get into double numbers here Joe
  8. I wouldn't feed any pork to my ferrets, too much salt in.
  9. Deffinately AM I try to get out for 7/7.30 am
  10. On most of permissions it will be end of my season probably next week as I am getting young, but I have a few permissions that I hope I will be doing for another month or 2.
  11. I have a needle and 50 rings spare I can let you have, PM me your address. Joe
  12. We have had the same around here as normal.
  13. JoeD


    My top 3 in order are 1. King Arthur (2004 version) 2. Danny Champion of the world 3. Of mice and men
  14. JoeD


    Just a general question as I have notices an increase in hares around Herts/Beds area, Has there been an increse, decrease or are numbers staying the same near you? All the best, Joe
  15. Same here.I'll even Cross the road to avoid them Cross the road! I would walk the opposite way and find another way to where I was going! Joe
  16. Batrachophobia - Frogs Not sure why but I can't be near them. Joe
  17. Hello mate, PM me if you want to come out with me ferreting seeing as your in herts too.


  18. Yeah on the herts/beds border and throughout my permission in herts the warrens are deep and mainly clay.
  19. Okay this may sound stupid but I clean mine by rubbing ketchup on the blade and leaving it their for about half hour and then wipe clean and give it a good sharpen, I learnt this technique when cleaning my pressed penny collection when I was a kid and tried it on my 1st knife when I was in scouts, and now do it for all my knives and it works for me. Joe
  20. Been posted on here a few time, but it is good to see and funny Joe
  21. Only problem is if you put a pinned topic up of everyone that makes/sells nets then it would be near enough every other person, good suggestion just don't see it working. Joe
  22. JoeD

    united v liverpool

    Can't stand either team bt United to win 1-0 I reckon. Joe
  23. I would say about 5 acres would be enough, obviously the more the merrier but you need to keep costs down, but the poultry don't need to be penned up as such except for in their coops at night, you can grow a hell of a lot of veg in small areas, you only need a few sheep, a dairy cow and bull (optional) and a few pigs. The sheep and cattle can field share, and the pigs don't need that much room, although again the more space the better. If you have a river near by with trout in or a coast near by then you have a supply of fish, and if you have woodlands near by or on your permissions where
  24. JoeD

    few pics

    Looks a good trip and lovely scenery Joe
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