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Everything posted by JoeD

  1. i can see the dvd now....hogs,dogs n wallabiies Good one we should make the filim be a hit on here Live not far, walk the place quite often and have a mate who is a keeper there, shit loads of rabbits, wallabies and maras roam the downs but no hogs unfortunately unless a warthog escapes!
  2. I can't find this thread mate.
  3. I am just wondering if anyone has any plans for lures? I have looked at buying one and they are so expensive so would like to have a go at making one myself. Any help appreciated. JoeD
  4. Someone I know sold a 50p piece for a £1 + postage and I remember someone selling a bag of air once as well.
  5. Venison, pheasant, hare and rabbit, if I am lucky a bit of boar. Thats it with a bit of salt and pepper, a splash of red wine, and a good pastry Well when I do a game pie, I found the best tactic is to be simple. Never use pigeon and as said before I think partridge is too good for a mix! I use venison, pheasant, hare and rabbit and if I am lucky to get hold of some then some boar. I cook it like this. Melt some butter in a large frying pan/saucepan, add a few chopped shallots and season this with a couple of sprigs of rosemary and a few juniper berries, and just let this cook a bi
  6. Don,t forget to prick the sloes,I freeze mine overnight,or pick after first frost,works just as well with damson's,prick each one down the side with a fork, You are spot on matey, I forgot to say, I freeze my sloes and then defrost them before using too I always seem to have better luck when they are still frozen.
  7. I have been asked by the head of estates at my workplace if I could find someone to flush foxes to his gun, we have a lot of livestock and are having no luck with controlling the numbers of the foxes on the land, we are shooting a lot and nothing seems to dent the population. If anyone is interested them PM me. JoeD
  8. So been making cider for a few years now...but this years apples are the best I have seen! Got so much cider not sure what to do with it so have added last years sloes into one batch, and blackberries into another, think it is going to be a good batch this year. Hows everyone elses cider coming on? JoeD
  9. Still have ferrets, boxes and hutches. £150 for the lot.
  10. Reluctant sale but have to sell up: 3 ferrets all proven workers 2 jills and a hob, numerous purse nets, game bag, billhook, mk3 locator and 2 collars, 3 hutches a double bowback box and a single box, a bag of bedding and ferret food and a bottle of medicine to bring jills out of season (worth £50 alone). Will except sensible offers, I am based near Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire Price ideally around £350
  11. My other half (works in animal care) had to go on a dog law seminar and if a dog attacks a human your in the pooper but cats are technically classed as knowones property and you cannot in a court of law get prosecuted for killing a cat, via dog, gun, trap or any other method. But the second you tell anyone that your dog will get set on an animal then the people can say that they where threatened by your dog and that you have told them your dog can be dangerous. Stupid laws and all that.
  12. My work has a disused orchard that they have given me permission to do as I please with and have thought about bees has anyone got and simple plans that I could borrow as I don't like buying if I can build myself.
  13. Haha was helpful advice! and to everyone else, cheers I will get them lopped off then
  14. I have heard from a p***y the other day while out walking my dog that if you get your dog castrated then he wont be as good as a whole dog. Is this true? at first I thought it was a load of bull and to be honest still do, but am wanting to double check what other peoples views are. I have no intention of breeding from him so I see no point in keeping them if I don't need to.
  15. How is everyones season going this year? Must say it is crap for me on some permission, but on some permission I am having a bit better but nothing like previous years, there has been no myxi that I know of on any of my permissions and hasn't been for numerous years. Bit of a shame really. Anyway, hows everyones season? Joe
  16. We have one on the living of the land section.
  17. JoeD

    Disneyland Paris

    Been a few times, we stayed in the explorers hotel just outside the parks, and it was a lot cheaper than the actual disney hotels. Also I would reccomend eating at Annettes Diner....the best burgers I have ever eaten... and they all get up and dance randomly, and its all set out like an american diner back in the 60's. Reccomend space mountain and the Indiana Jones ride for you and your eldest kid, and the youngest will love most of it to be honest, there are parades which the younger lot love. Wherever you choose to go, have fun its a right good laugh... just expensive food and drink. A
  18. Think you read it wrong, no harm done.
  19. I saw the bitch, and a picture of the dog.
  20. You too best of luck mate
  21. If i'm honest I'm not sure, the guy I picked him up from did say but I have forgotten, I will ring him when I can and get info.
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