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Everything posted by madmax

  1. there wer a few with white on round here other year think a pet bunny had been let lose and bred
  2. did`nt lesley maxwell win the edrd show with a chalked up pedigree x lakeland ? aye she won with a dog that aint seen out or ever will the lass has nice dogs i thought edrd wud av put a worker up
  3. Where is it - I mean where in the country? its in upper weardale,co durham OK thanks. Bit far for me... (Essex!) is it a qualifyer
  4. i think the first post says alot of the type of bloke you are really. you should of hid under the rug after that but yet you hit out out true terrier men on this site with garbage when you breed pups off dogs that have done jack shit. the more you insult people the more idiotic you look pal give it a rest your ridicilous. from a personel level i wouldnt buy a pup the shite pics look bad , the price is ludcrious and your attidude stinks pal. i got a pup for free from hpool hunter on this site he said "give him plenty of work" and" send me plenty of pics on his progress" needless to say im g
  5. whos the judges and is there a postcode
  6. i won the pairs with the russells. i also won russell dog 2nd russell bitch 1st and 2nd lakie bitches 1st crossbread dog 1st cross bread bitch best in breed lol we had a good day i went didnt show but i thought the judge only had eyes for the borders thought it was very poor turn out of terriers where wer all the terrier lads thats usually down there
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