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Everything posted by Hannah4181

  1. Love that 1st shot, very atmospheric. . . makes me shiver!
  2. Slightly off the subject but. . . . . . I once came home and found my JRT swollen beyond belief, i instantly got him into the car and rushed him to the vets fearing bloat, . . . . . .whilst in the waiting room with the dog taken off me by the vets, i received a call from my mum asking if i knew where the family sized lasagne and strawberry cheesecake, which had been defrosting on the side was!!! Little shit was fine after a couple of days fasting!
  3. Hannah4181


    I'm so jealous, we never get proper snow here, rubbish!
  4. Best thing to do is put some vet wrap quite thick round the end to give the tip some padding, that way when he hits it on objects it won't open up again, and give it a change to heal completely. Make sure you don't do the vet wrap too tight.
  5. Find a local poultry cutting/boning plant most give away chicken carcases as they have to pay to get rid of them anyway, I’ve been feeding this type of food to my dogs for years, you can add some veg, or rice, if you mince it, can do so much more with. The Dod Food Company supply a huge range of minces and bone, also very reasonable prices. I would do the slaughter house thing, but i run my own business and just don't have the time to go round and collect/mince stuff myself. Pre done packages out the freezer before bed is as easy as!
  6. The Dog Food Company are fantastic! Highly recommended.
  7. When i was in South Africa, most of the farms and houses i visited had Boarboels as Guard dogs, the 1's i saw out there were much more athletic than the 1's i've seen here. By all accounts they were best for the job! A couple of the Stud farms near me have Ridgebacks and i was once told, a Ridgeback will let you in no worries, the problem arises when you want to leave!
  8. Heres my Beddy X whippet, Spider!
  9. Some great pictures there and healthy looking birds.
  10. There's a company called Equafleece on line, they make fleeces for all sorts of dogs, you just send the measurements of the dogs back and chest size. They are fantastic quality and safe enough to leave on, when the dog is un attended without the worry of them getting tangled up, they fit like jumpers and don't have any straps or buckles. IMO they are a fantastic product, all my 3 have them now.
  11. And thats what matters. Lovely dogs.
  12. Great read, mangy looking squirrel i hate them!
  13. Ignore her until the dog gives you reason not to, if it's socialized properly you shouldn't have a problem.
  14. Its using terms like "pykies" that start arguements why not refer to him as a twat......are you a snob? maybe they should bulldoze the "rough housing estate" and deport all these "rough" people out of your area that way you wont be so easily offended Perhaps my terminology wasn't as PC as it could have been, sorry if anyone was offended. In my eyes wether your from a "rough housing estate" or "country manor house" if you beat your dog with a stick, your scum.
  15. I grew up in Kent and there was, shall we say a very "rough" housing estate, with lots of "rough" people in it! Locally they were referred to as "pykies". They were not "pykies" of the traveling variety. The Driving test centre was at one end of the estate, you had to drive through a warren of small roads to get into town. It was, whilst stopping to parallel park that the incident occured, i got out and confronted the man who was beating the dog, if i say i had to step over a washing machine and burnt out motorbike to get to him, you get the picture! He just gave me a load of abuse and w
  16. Cracking looking dog, and a nice shot too.
  17. thanks for the replies chaps! thought it was me just bein soft but most of the lads i know hit their dogs and i think there only doin more damage! Ive pulled people for hitting their dogs,not just twatting them,but really booting them Some have been 'dog lads', but most have been just idiots with pets. The last fella i pulled was walking a dalmatian,the dog pulled to one side to have a piss against a fence,he lost the plot shouting at it,the dog dropped to the ground and lay flat on its side,the fella then started booting it and dragging it by the lead. Poor fukin dog was scared
  18. In My Opinion, if you train a dog properly there should never be any need to hit it.
  19. Hi Steve, i'm not actually sure! I know when you start talking really cold, batteries stop working and can be a problem. I don't think you'll have a problem with a bog standard camera in minus 3 conditions. . . . . . . . best bet is to give it a try!
  20. IMO if your a responsible dog breeder and are set on breeding the 3/4 crosses, you would test the 1/2 crosses in all areas, work ability, general health, and temperament. If this takes 3/4 seasons then so be it, you only get quality with well thought out, well trained and well tested breeding stock. The other side is that you have a friend/hunting partner with a well proved 1/2 cross which you could then use to produce your 3/4 crosses of choice, a quicker process and maybe better than risking a litter of half crosses that might not make the grade? Breeding is tough and IMO too many idiots
  21. There's no "think" about it! In fairness i was throwing stuff up for her to catch, she doesn't just do it for no reason!!
  22. Honesty is always the best policy. . . . . Get a bit upset as well, she'll forgive you!
  23. Some more "air dog" 1's. . . . she lives to jump!
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