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Everything posted by Hannah4181

  1. This guy needs to get out more, if he considers that a joke!
  2. Just in case anyone is interested. . . . . . . prints of these images can be brought, there is also a larger selection on my website, below. PM if interested. thanks.
  3. My guess would be deleted, due to them being a banned breed . . . . . . . . . . . just my guess though, may be wrong!
  4. How are men and batteries different? Batteries have a positive side.
  5. Men are like toilets. . . . . . . . full of shit and always out of order.
  6. Thanks for all the nice comments. They are from all different packs.
  7. Salt water down their throat asap to make them sick, normally quicker for getting as much as possible out before taking them to the vets for a check up. I've heard soda crystals does the same job but i've never tried them.
  8. The season is going well and i'm working hard, thought i'd post a few of my best hound shots so far.
  9. Lovely post. There is no better sound than hounds speaking. Which hunt are you?
  10. Yes, i consider them in every breeding. First and foremost i consider the working qualities i want from the puppy and then i breed accordingly. The working capabilities and conformational structure of all my dogs is quality and i have no need to introduce blood from elsewhere into my breedings, in that respect im quite lucky. thanks b! What difference does it make which breeds are crossed, if the conformation and working ability is spot on in both Dam and Sire?
  11. Most basic photography proggrames allow you to put the images into B&W. Photoshop is a massive programme and if thats all you really want to do, it will be a complete waste of your money. Photoshop 7 will be fine for what your doing.
  12. A man that likes a women to spit . . . . . .my god your very rare! Married?!
  13. Your posts never cease to make me laugh!!
  14. My dalmation cross is a stuck up cow, she wont walk across a lawn if there is another dogs poo on it, if i force her she goes on her tip toes round the side!
  15. what a coinsidence im funny and quick witted and can be laughed into bed aswell what's the chances?!
  16. Maybe not peter Kay. . . . . . but Chris moyles. . . .
  17. Tall is good. . . . . . . but being funny and quick witted is better. . . . . . ..i can be laughed into bed everytime!
  18. Even if he was lamping. . . . . . . . . What did he think the fox was hiding in a small tree??!! :wankerzo4: Just don't see how this could have been an accident?!
  19. Not my bag. . . . . my lurchers have brightly coloured silk 1's embossed with butterflies!!!!
  20. I'n not an expert shooter, but. . . . what prick confuses a cow with a fox/deer/rabbit????!!!!!!
  21. :clapper: Well said, it actually shocks me how many dogs get sold on on here, it can ruin a dog being moved around so much.
  22. By the time you get the lurcher pup it'll be weaned and probably 7/8 weeks? I would feed chicken carcasses instead of wings when it's tiny as the bones are softer, plus minced tripe, rabbit, etc. I tend to mix a small amount of dry puppy kibble into the minces whilst they're tiny, just to make sure they're getting everything. Beef and lamb rib are excellent to fatten a pup up and provide vital teething bones to save your furniture!!
  23. Some cracking dogs there, Love look of the patt X cockers.
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