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Everything posted by Hannah4181

  1. It's when you read shockingly terrible things like this, that you realise life is just too short, LIVE it. Best wishes little man, sleep well with the angels.xx
  2. Hi Matt, still waiting to find out about 28th, should know by sun. Have a good 1 tonight.
  3. I've had my lurcher and lab in training. . . .. they have the line dancing cracked!!! :11:
  4. Hi sorry, i've only just seen your post. I think your pictures are great, i love the contrast in the 4th photo, the hounds look really rich and as if you could touch them! Photographing hounds hunting will never get boring!
  5. Very pretty girl, hope she does well for you.
  6. I'd get rid of them and knock hunting on the head all together . . . . . . clearly your destined for a career in comedy.
  7. Just frontline your animals and they won't get ticks!
  8. The bottles of frontline are quite expensive but so worth it, my dogs and cats all get treated with it and none of them has had a tick or a flea since i started using it. The spot on 1's which go on the neck are not as effective, so go with the pump spray bottles. Trust me, well worth the money.
  9. Any decent pet shop sells little "tick hooks" They are devices which literally hook the tick out , head as well. A bottle of frontline that you buy from the vet will stop ticks going on them, and only needs applying every 3 months.
  10. Shame no one eats the b*****d kids throwing stones at him. :aggressive: What an absolute beauty that puppy is, glad he's safe.
  11. Ink, wizard, Ike, tip, saxon, axel, flint, steel, bash, hooch, hobo, gadget, woody, smoke, hawk, paint.
  12. Great photos, i love walking with a group of friends and loads of dogs. In the summer we got our numbers up to 16!! Great fun letting them all charge about together, do always find an area of private land where no un suspecting dog walkers will come round the corner and discover us coming towards them!!
  13. I think. . . . thats the cutest puppy ever and i want it!! Does he have a name? I think "Ink" would suit him?!
  14. I never have puppies on a lead till they are at least 5 months. When they are little they'll stay with you due to being scared and un sure of everything. Obviously use your head, i wouldn't suggest doing this near busy roads or dangerous places. My beddy Whippet is just coming up 8 months, he's hardly ever been on a lead and would stick to my heels like glue, he is now getting to an age where his confidence is growing and he'll wander away from me, however the moment i call him he's back in a flash. I still use treats as puppies go through many challenging stages. If your pup does w
  15. That is 1 of the fittest and well put together weimaraner i've seen for a long time. Lovely dog mate, credit to you.
  16. "cracking" a 15 week old pup . . . . . . well done your the man, bet you have a huge cock.
  17. How about . . . . . Shit Off. Simple and to the point.
  18. To recover from such a serious illness will have taken a lot out of her, i'd agree with the above advice regarding a good quality raw diet and a vitamin suppliment. I don't think you should put a time limit on her return to work, let her get stronger and increase exercise slowly, you know your dog best, and will know when she's ready for work. Good luck.
  19. The funniest bit about this thread are the comments like this!
  20. It is in my eyes as important as worming your dog, all mine are insured with NFU. I claimed for a £1200 bill once, never a problem. A friend of mine a few years ago lost everything after his 3 German Shepards escaped and caused a fatal road accident, the victims dad sued him for everything he had. Worst case scenario i know. . . . . . but you never know what is round the corner.
  21. Nice music on your profile. . . . . bit gay isn't it?!

  22. I agree, the Essex and Suffolk is a much more established hunt at the moment.
  23. Being able to "sell a breed on easily" is no reason to buy a dog. so if your not sure, don't get 1.
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