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Everything posted by paddy23362

  1. if u have a 3/4 no one says a thing if u say its hancock its no good dont understand ive had them 4 15 years now never let me down also had kelly beddlington whippets and french,s saluki greyhounds at least u can see the parents all have worked well but hancocks have all ways been the best
  2. hi just to say i do hunt i was out last night when my 11 month old collie cross caught his first lamped rabbit and returned it live to hand the best felling u can get after months of training all i was trying to say was banning people from this sight would only make us as bad as them
  3. hey ur not in the real world ur on the net
  4. was hoping to find a site which was about hunting not personal fudes had enough of that sort of thing y cant people just get on
  5. at last some proper comments instead of bitchin new on here ferrets 14 wks now and lurcher 11 months after a lay off due to a divorce and moving so was hoping to make new friends but this post kind off put me off this site
  6. so theres hippys and antis on here what have i joined
  7. sorry lol just old rock bands then
  8. how about the guy from nickleback
  9. bass player lemmy from motorhead deffo
  10. ive had ferrets since i was 5 and when there not working there my pets so what doe's that make me
  11. oh must be me then as i have'nt seen anyone who is a pet owner yet and is.nt as bad as being an anti to ban someone from the sight just cos they dont hunt
  12. hi new on here so just wondering y u asume that because someone shows there ferrets that they dont work them
  13. hi where abouts do u live ill take them of ur hands just started up again after divorce just got two kits pat
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