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Everything posted by tomburras

  1. I used to have a few old glass rods but over the years I broke them. My glass fly rod casted really nice. Also like the old look of glass rods I never liked using the one cane rod I had it felt very fragile.
  2. I like that! It reminds me of my old lightening - but a lot nicer. I'd like to hear how it shoots.
  3. Love it thanks I'll look into them very interesting thank you.
  4. The frogs amazing, do you need to give it a island area to get out of the water? What does it eat. Love that.
  5. Sorry just checked it was 60 not 90. We had tetras and odd guppy but they kept having babies and grew fast so had to keep rehoming them. If I got another I'd stick to male guppies they are a lot more colourful too. It's a great tank easy to maintain. Twist and pull the air pipe the filter comes out with it I just rinsed it in a tub of tank water to keep the good bacteria and alfa grog (I think its called?) on the bottom to hold plenty of bacteria too. Good healthy tank system.
  6. Ours was 90 litre was a perfect size.
  7. You can get a remote with different coloured lights too. We used to have one on a stand with tetras in very relaxing.
  8. Maybe look at a biorb tank I bet that would be good for him.
  9. Once me and a mate camped out night fishing as kids on sandy Bay at Tadcaster no day tickets we where so naive. In the morning we where woke up by a line of angry matchmen pulling trolleys - there was a match on and they where not impressed.
  10. Oh dear lol. We used to catch the train to Hebden Bridge and bring the odd good fish back in carrier bags - lots of people asked if we caught anything we used to get them out and show them they where shocked. Good times.
  11. Hi no I never knew about that, sounded handy.
  12. Biggest perch I had was 3lbs 3oz It was in 1999 I remember as a 16 year old catching the Yorkshire coastliner bus to tadcaster bus station to get there. It was well before you could check the river levels online. I got there and it was flooded. I tried anyway as I'd made the 2 bus 2 hour journey. I caught it in chocolate coloured water on double red maggot pretty much in the grass field and under my rod tip. I wasn't expecting anything, it was a big suprise.
  13. Looks really good! Nice grain and stripes showing. I love how every stock looks different, i found its a suprise on different stocks every time. Looks a bueaty.
  14. Yes a pedretti hushpower 20 bore single barrel.
  15. Was walking down the side of a shed and lit up a bloke with my lamp I said what are you doing? He said he was a hanger spotter.
  16. These are great i have the wood stocked version, fitted an altaros regulator, packed valve and then a cyl guage it's like a cheap miniaturised s410 so now I have a reg and pressure guage. Polished hammer etc it's also amazing as standard but 36 shot count but buy a cheap chinese pump and no co2 to buy and your away........
  17. Another pic.... it's the same gun (other side of the stock and in the action with refinished mod ....
  18. I'd love to see it when you have finished it, I'd like to try an oil Finnish one day the slippery dicks stuff looks good.
  19. Are you taking the piss out of me?! I'm not with it. What do you think to the footage in the link? Refs & Links | Big Cat Conversations BIGCATCONVERSATIONS.COM
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