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Everything posted by tomburras

  1. Cheers dappled ? I'll put a decoy heron up I think and let nature take its course.
  2. I can imagine lol. Iv got neighbors round the back garden would do the same lol.
  3. Ha ha! Thanks but I won't be doing that as much as I would like to .
  4. Iv ordered this..... Large Decoy Heron Garden Ornament Bird Scarer Fish Pond Koi Carp Plastic Resin WWW.EBAY.CO.UK Weather-proof material ensures heron repeller is suitable for all year round use. Weatherproof...
  5. Thanks Is that a security light with a sensor for burgalurs?
  6. Cheers I'm on the edge of small town its open countryside by me. I used to have a trial cam on it but I got lazy and stopped using it ? I only got rats and mice on the trial cam. I never expected a heron would come into the garden we have houses and gardens right up to us.
  7. Thank you, iv had tank fish and allways seen white cotton fluff kind of stuff on the fins first then put some treatment in.
  8. It's not covered but it's only a small pond iv seen one on the roof last year. If it's fungal would it affect the fins first?
  9. Top lip gone on one and side damaged on another is this pecking from a heron or an ulcer? Or fungal problem? Any advice appriciated.
  10. iv lost 2 goldfish today in my little pond. The others are perfect and filters clean, uv working etc. Crystal clear water but these 2 have something odd happen to them. Is there anyone on here that could anyone tell me what this is? Cheers!....
  11. Good man let him rest
  12. I put these up I watch all the time they not usef it as far as I know
  13. What about bats, would it cause any problems to bat roosts?
  14. Can the whole village put a complaint to the council about it?
  15. I don't blame you wyluke this is my view from bedroom window I'm praying there's no plans to build in the future I'd be (fkin) gutted I'd don't blame you for been concerned
  16. That's one he'll of a transformation! Coming on great I bet philpot will be chuffed.
  17. I took my dad out with the glass fly rod I mentioned earlyer, it was badged kendall and Watson of leeds. He said he used to go there as a kid. Vicker road I think he mentioned. Do you know about this shop? I know your from the Yorkshire area ?
  18. Planned a good dog walk to see an old local church building we planned to explore, but it's rained a lot! So we did this instead.....
  19. Is anyone else subscribed to the enforcer on YouTube? Great real/true news reports, detailed with videos to back it up and hours long every day. It's great and positive I listen to it with a earpice at work and treat it as a podcast....
  20. Have you seen the little 4wt maxcatch rod and reel outfit that takes down into a small case. I have one it's amazing little travel rod light as a feather and casts a dream with the cheap maxcatch gold line.
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