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Everything posted by tomburras

  1. I just came across this while looking at guns for sale.... http://www.freeads.co.uk/uk/buy-sell/leisure-hobbies/hunting-sporting-equipment/air-guns/33142280/rare-air-shotgun-by-ultimateforce-ultishot-based-on-falcon-pcp-action/view I remember seeing theese in airgunner magazine years ago. I don't know how effective they are? Would be an interesting close range rat gun. Just thaught id share incase anyone knows anything about them?
  2. Large pair of bollox required for this project me thinks! but sure it will end up right in jimmys caperble hands!
  3. Sounds a great nerve wrecking project! Will be awsome when it all comes together. I bet it will be perfect for you when it's done.
  4. Ace, Lovely gun! Hopefully some nice beer from the off licence on way home too! To round the trip off perfect ?
  5. They are great. From light 21 gm loads up to 12 bore equivalent loads. I been using eley grand prix 25g 6.s and great all round.
  6. No its lovely - its a little gem, had it years. Its a kestrel and cost me £110 maybe 10+ years ago. Originally baught for close range ferreting with a pocket full of nets. I often found the .410 pattern a bit tight and over 25 yards wasn't happy using it. This 20 bore converted me - my 12 bores are now gone. So light to carry and pointable and drops stuff the same as my 12 bores did.
  7. He is a rfd, website here... http://www.aaronwheelergunsmith.co.uk/ Was a 2 week wait after dropping it off on my last pcp re seal.
  8. I just had a look at the vorteck kit mark looks interesting! Is the spring guide on the outside of the spring?
  9. When I fitted the .177 wonky donky kit to the imp with a washer it was a bit warm! Removed the washer then perfect. I expect this could be something to do with the high efficancy vorteck seal? I dont know I'm only learning about theese things but if I can get wd kits for any future projects it will be the first kit I'd use.
  10. Ha ha! Not yet. Its one of them that you get to love. A mates after it but I said if it goes it's allready got a home waiting ?
  11. Couldent agree more - a top bloke to deal with too.
  12. Very nice david - I bet your over the moon. Don't think I'd dare take it out tho incase it got scratched!
  13. Bloody hell managed another!... The U R E is looking like it's got a good future ahead of it.
  14. Sounds good, not seen one of them before! I like the straight grip style to the stock.
  15. They have been Buisy! ...... They are in the box a lot of the time now making a tight weaved nest cup and started to line it with dog hair and feathers..... They regularly flap about to keep the nest cup pushed out and the right size... So its looking promising!
  16. Thank you. They seemed a really nice and helpful. Better get my finger out and get studying now!
  17. Thanks for the heads up. Just been down and opened an account with them. The manuals great (mk4) cheers.
  18. Cheers mad 4 it in that case ill get a new one then. I'll go see them now.
  19. Hi im looking to do my bpca exam soon. Is there any reccomended training manuals? Which one would be best? Also if anyone has one for sale I would be very interested. Or is there any reccomended books? Cheers! Tom.
  20. Cheers. Thats a very modest bag there. I get loads with a wander with th 20 bore. The pigeons will be given my usual flash fry treatment. Them perms are amazing, a real privalage to have them. I'm very lucky to be able to fill my boots with phesants with the shotgun there too in season for taking care of the rabbits there. And there's loads of phesants too! I'll not shoot the white one tho. Bad luck I hear! Was nice to do a bit of airgun hunting, really took me back. Really enjoyed the challenge too. Different kettle of fish and very tricky. Fair play to airgun hunting purists.
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