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Everything posted by tomburras

  1. I want jo join in with this excalibure love! Here's mine...... Please excuse the apauling picture quality - They don' do it any justice!!!
  2. I dunno if its the same one but I've also seen one in kirklees?
  3. Birds of prey and an excalibure enthusiast. You are a man of very fine taste Geff!!!
  4. Cant wait to see the finished result on this one!
  5. These fit with a 4mm tickle in the middle.... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F142484417576
  6. Ps if you worry about loosing your original mag there' a guy 3d printing them in 7 shot version in red on ebay. I have one it cycles perfect after a tickle with a 4mm drill bit in the spindle hole. And is 10 quid posted so you can keep your original safe.
  7. Ace I'm about to strip and inspect inside and reseal mine and replace the brass bit. Nice to hear other people love this gun. For me the one I have is the very gun iv owned for now half my life! And is very sentimental from when I shot with it daily, with many memories. Keep hold of it!!!
  8. That' why I like old guns! I had a bit of a brown trouser moment a few years ago with a bulged skelp Damascus barrel but apart from that I love the old stuff!
  9. Fingers crossed jimmy - I honestly only paid 30 something pounds for the gun! it cost more for the sandpaper stain and oil! Ha ha it will fold and fit into my longnet basket too.
  10. Sorry for yet more questions jjm! But what shot count do you get from the carbine version?
  11. Wuhoo Another raider, hopefully another memory maker in the making - and a keeper this time!
  12. I was gonna do a hand rubbed linseed oil Finnish but I'm going to follow jimmys advice and have true oil and wood stain on the way.
  13. Id get a wonky donkey kit as mentioned by villaman from dave price give everything a good careful Polish and clean then lightly lube the piston with bum slide from TBT tuning topped off with a carefully sized vortek piston seal - Perfect combination!
  14. I hope so is! Its been awful lately no spare time to go shooting so this little project is keeping me sane it's the nearest thing iv done to using a gun in weeks ?
  15. A farm I shoot had lot of dropped beans amongst the stubble last year it was aweome sport, no decoys required!
  16. Perfect day out classic gun a nice bit of sport and scenery, very nice mark!
  17. Bit slow had no spare time but taught I'd stick a pic up ?
  18. Awsome jjm can I ask how he smoothed the coking cycle? Was it a good Polish and lube? or did he replace the brass part with delrin? I often looked at that part mines a bit chewed and cocking is a bit rough lately. Good guns arnt they!
  19. Awsome bit of kit I love mine! Cheap too.
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