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Everything posted by tomburras

  1. For my excalibure in best order... 1. Biz mags (a bit tight to push bolt in but group amazing. 2. Air arms field plus 3. Jsb jumbo Running at 26.5 if any help.
  2. Forgot to add it is 60 odd quid for a rowan kit. If your struggling to find an fn raptor ring aaron wheelers in brighouse there was 2 in there last time I went. A sporter and a skeleton stocked one.
  3. To be honest I wouldn't bother buying a single shot and then fit a multishot adater. Just wait and pick up the next raptor you see.
  4. Wow video now stopped working - looks like teds been deleted too.
  5. Looks good fun Jimmy! Guns looking well too! My old faithful posh raider (excalibure) has a leak so will be getting some love soon.
  6. That' ace mark a proper oldschool set up. Nice groups too. An inspiration to get another classic gun to play with!
  7. Looks a lot better I think, looking forwards to seeing how the stock turns out
  8. That is stunning. I will have to own one of these one day. Another nice gun to your collection!
  9. Brilliant mark I hope it is OK for you!
  10. Awsome to read that Jimmy I can feel the atmosphere, enjoyment and passion your feeling from the way you typed it. Bloody wonderful.
  11. Like the land rover defender.
  12. About 5 years ago me and my mate where stopped during the daytime by a very young police man when out shooting. We heard a shout from the edge of the field and he had instructed us to put our guns down and come over. We didn't hear that bit as he was too far away and we diddnt realise it was a police man either. we unloaded and walked over to see what he wanted and when we got close we saw it was a police man - he said I asked you to put your gun down. My mate replied..... i dont think its a good idea to leave a shotgun on the ground in the middle of a field (quite far away) and come over?
  13. I watched this the other week and have been wondering if semi auto airguns will ever be used in the UK The only one iv seen in the UK is the Benjamin wildfire and it looked a fun pinker. Personally I like a nice traditional looking bolt action.
  14. If you love your super 10 you could put it on ticket and turn it up, that's what I did. It only cost a £25 rfd fee to put it on my certificate and then turn the power up.
  15. Very nice mark. Your classic springer groups are better than mine using a pcp
  16. Oops ha ha! I did a 77 a good while back and in the back of my mind I think l cut the spring to 255 mm finished lentgh. Edit. Maybe message TBT he is very helpful and I would imagine he will know roughly for sure.
  17. TBT kits come well over the required lentgh and need cutting down. For a cutting guide I use the old spring - and cut it slightly longer so you don't end up underpower. I prefer to just have the spring without any power washers. If its over you can remove another coil. When your happy give the ends a really good polishing. When you size your piston seal fit it to the end of the piston and put it in your drill as you do when polishing the piston and spin it and with really fine wet and dry size it down a tiny bit at a time so it runs up and down the cyl smothly but still seals 100% perfec
  18. If you buy the HW from TBT he will size the guides to the spring you receive from him. He does a kit with spring, guides, slip and power washers, bums slide and a sticker. You just need a grinder and a blowtorch to cut it to your desired lentgh then Polish the ends to a mirror.
  19. Tinbum kits are brilliant - make sure you get some tbt bumslide in the kit its aweome stuff. Mirror Polish everything and add a vortek piston seal then jobs a good Un! Vorteck piston seal here... http://www.agrtuning.co.uk/contact.html?m
  20. My top 3 pcp.... Hw100 Hw110 Rws excalibure Closely followed by air arms s410 My top springers.... Tx200 hc Hw97 Hw99 Closely followed by HW85
  21. Nice present - I bet he is made up with that!
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