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Everything posted by tomburras

  1. That's was a great thread to read. I bet the owner was well happy and I bet it was an ace experience for you too. Lovely looking owl!
  2. Thats great jimmy - When you get your cabinate get one twice the size you think you need, iv been stuck with a 3 gun one for 18 years! I'll get a big one next renewal time.
  3. Wow what a bueaty, I bet your chuffed to bits! Another belter to your awesome team!
  4. These are a nice quiet pellet carier. ...... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F232726998313
  5. I only fill my pcp airguns to 175-180 bar and they shoot spot on from the 1st shot. That pump is great isn't it. Lovely looking dog too! All the best with your new set up.
  6. Sorry I don't know of any sites for maintenance on bsa ultras iv not done much with them but I'm sure there will be. If ever I do anything to my gun I look at chambers spares exploded diagrams and order the parts and seals etc from them.
  7. Yep that's the same. The pump came with a qd coupler with a smaller female screw thread size so the male fill probe would not fit. I just fitted that cheap coupler and then a best fittings qd coupler as I have hw and rws probes. But you could just screw your probe into the adapter. I fitted the adapter to the pump hose with a dowty washer in between for good measure.
  8. I had this identical B2 as a kid too with that same sticker. When I refinished the stock it was mostly filler!
  9. Great purchase! If you get that pump it might be worth ordering a 1/8th bsp female to female coupler (a couple of quid ish off ebay) as I needed one to attach my fill probe to the end of the supplied hose. I ordered this one.... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F292031778385 Edit ... updated link to correct one.
  10. If you need mounts for him Tim I think I've got some one piece standard height ones. Pm me if he needs mounts for the scope and ill get them posted ?
  11. Hi mark iv been on a stubble field today hidden in a hedge. Only managed 2 and one of them was full of sunflower seeds ?
  12. Hi luckorjudgment if you get one you will love it, mine is my go to gun and I use standard carts and it's still quiet. They are very front heavy tho - I fitted a sling to mine so I can have a rest every now and then. I get wrist ache after a couple of hours wandering without one. Hi rimfireboy what red dot do you use? I been thinking about trying this idea out.
  13. That is brilliant. It just shows you don't need fancy springers and sights. Great pic!
  14. I'd like to see this too Tim! I'm dying to get a gun apart for a fiddle! ?
  15. It is Str it's shocked me. It has water inside to keep it cool and pumps my guns up with ease. On this one even the gauge is oil filled and glows in the dark. If you want a pcp then get that pump and bide your time and snatch up a second hand pcp full set up like this.... https://www.guntrader.uk/guns/air-rifles/gamo/pre-charged-pneumatic/22/coyote-180619145800061 Some sellers will post but if not a drive to a good gun at a good price is worth it.
  16. Hi Str if you change your mind and decide on s pcp and need some way to fill it look at this, I baught this for 40 odd pounds and it is spot on.... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F273134201692 Comes with spare seals and fills my rws excalibure in 80-90 pumps. Iv decided not to bother with my heavy dive bottle anymore and just use this. Once the feet are folded up it takes up hardly any room in the car boot either.
  17. Really nice mark, and they have started cutting down your way. Good times ahead.
  18. Wow nice catch bell sounds a good recepie too.
  19. Remember it's harvest time round the corner.... I got into a habit of buying one before harvest and using it a couple of months then selling it in winter and then buyin another gun to mess about with.... and then doing it all over again. Iv wasted many £££ doing this ? I don't even know why I do it ?! But if your good with your springers then your sorted! - and a new bike? Hmmmmm ? but could you shoot as effectively without the hw100?
  20. Good jeff I hope you are well enough to get out soon! My excalibure is out on loan at the moment and I'm missing it all ready! I bet your made up to get yours back!
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