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Everything posted by tomburras

  1. i needed high mounts for a 3-9x50 scop on my tx200 if that helps
  2. not an argument but "can you stop walking in front of the beam"
  3. clint seems a mine of experience and information. a gentleman too!
  4. pickled onion space raiders for me
  5. thanks for replies, i think ill hang on until 1st oct (she only 14 weeks at mo)
  6. not tried them yet, sounds good im gonna give them a go next time
  7. hi all i was just wondering what sort of age people start their whippets working at, and what sort of things i should do to to start her off? cheers.
  8. i did a nights Eeling last night on a stillwater was using small roach tail sections. had 6 very good but missed runs after the second missed run i used size 12 trebbles and still missed the runs i am gonna wait another few weeks til the temps rise atb tom.
  9. It just shows how fake he is and what sh!t he talks to get himself where he wants to be. He doesn't genuinely care for the decent average citizen or have respect for them, or his elders and now that's been proven. this guy needs a punch not a vote!
  10. sounds bad she get stitches? my worst nightmare that!
  11. if your ever near burnsall or appletreewick area of the warfe (north yorkshire) theres LOADS! i turn rocks over hold a net behind them, disturb them with a hand or a stick and they swim backwards straight into the net. i dont touch them or eat them they scare me :kiss:
  12. im chuffed for you! you deserve it as it sounds like you put a lot of leg work in! all the best with your new permission mate
  13. iv been out in my mates suzuki jimny its quiet and it goes anywhere
  14. great wind down! glass of wine and another good watch from zini! thank you
  15. cute pups mate i got one a few weeks ago and cannot believe how fast they grow, when i got her she was like a barrel three weeks later she looks like a slim miniture version of an adult!
  16. my mate put copper tape down and apparently they don't cross it because they somehow mildly electrocute themselves? dunno if this is true but they wouldn't cross this
  17. google gamo viper express it wont let me put to two links up so soon together? they are legal limit too
  18. please see this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLWZRmbNL8w
  19. WRONG !! SECTION buddy sorry mate but it is a spring powered break barrel airgun that shoots no. 9 re-fillable shot cartridges so i think the airgun section is right place to post it, sorry if i am wrong!
  20. i have seen an airgun called the gamo viper express and it shoots no. 9 shot from a re-loadable cartridge. i am curious how thees perform. has anyone ever used one, or seen one in action? cheers tom.
  21. yds is some range mate, a springer too! whats it running at?
  22. i would like to know roughly how much too if anyone knows? thanks
  23. i have seen that some people have their dogs dew claws removed. sorry to seem naive but why is this? cheers.
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