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Everything posted by tomburras

  1. Never change a winning team ....... only joking the Daystate looks great too.
  2. Good choice. Recently as a light cheap light I ordered this (in the UK but cheaper from Hong Kong) : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UltraFire-C8-1300Lm-CREE-XM-L-XML-T6-LED-Flashlight-Torch-Camping-hiking-3-mode-/300769257983?pt=UK_SportsLeisure_Camping_LightsLanternsTorches&hash=item46073ea9ff With this mount : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Anti-shaking-Mount-For-Flashlight-Torch-Telescope-Sight-Laser-Bike-Scope-Outdoor-/310502392481?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item484b6282a1 You can get a tail lead for 3 quid odd for them too, its a great little rig
  3. martin I sort of know how he feels but mine was a cleaver and a Deer head.......lol OUCH bet that hurt
  4. Great write up and pics it was interesting reading. Your permissions and doogs look great too.
  5. Yorkshire terrier bloody INSULT TO YORKSHIRE!!!
  6. well said - life wouldent be the same without one, better running round the field with them keeping them off the sony computer and also keeps them fitter running about with them too too
  7. Its very sad but on my many walks with my dogs I have met many people with lurchers and after a good chat only to find they are from dogs trust , sancturies or found by a friend and unable to trace the owner and they have also fallen for them. No doubt they are working dogs given up on. On the other hand I have a lurcher and a whippet as pets as well as occasional bunny catchers and their personality and nature makes them in my opinion the best breeds of dog as a family pet, worker or friend iv ever had the pleasure of meeting or owning.
  8. Knock on a few doors and Be polite and straight to the point, for example my brother (mattybugeye off this forum) went out last week for a couple of hours locally and returned home with 550 acres - and then kindly invited me over to be sighned up for permission with him! as a thank you as he has been shootin with me. What a extra bonus and what a legend thanks bro. Just goes to show what you can do with a bit of luck and some door knocking. hope u get sorted soon.
  9. boston spa ? newton kyme? on the warfe, limited spots but if your early you may get a good peg.
  10. Nnever fished it myself but when pike fishing the Leeds and Liverpool canal (used to nearly live down there fishing as a kid) very many of the passers-by mentioned this place as a great "runs water" for pike fishing in winter. It would be interesting to hear anything about the place.
  11. My lamp bulb went and I tried a GY6.35 100w disco bulb from ebay 2 for £4.99 posted and to be honest its very good.
  12. That was very interesting to watch. I would never have thaught about making knives from files but it all makes great sense. the craftmanship is amazing and the knives look fantastic. Wish you the very best.
  13. That sounds an amazing place to fish and I can imadgine a great place to spend time with your son. Becks like that are interesting fishing and often throw up some suprising fish. Cod beck at thirsk is a good example and sounds simelar. Wish you both tight lines atb tom.
  14. You could leave it flapping and hold it against the stock where ever is comfortable at the time or even put it in your mouth as my old shooting partner used to do.
  15. Its very hard at your age. Id offer to help a farmer a hand doing odd jobs for free in return for some permission thats how i started. Farmers respect keen young lads.
  16. Today i tried as tommo suggested and my locator is now picking up at 7 foot so its a big improvement. On my box the little white screws where hidden in the side of two narrow black boxes top and bottom, a baiting needle was perfect for them. I turned them both until I could hear a squelch like noise and then just turned them back slowly just until it stopped and then my locator picked up at 7 foot instead of 5 foot! Cheers tommo!
  17. Hi tommo thanks very much for that. iv got work now but its tommorow afternoons project and ill report straight back. thanks again tommo well appriciated!
  18. Thank you all for your replies. I will have a look on youtube later and see if I can fix it myself. What would it cost roughly for it repairing? Thanks again Tom.
  19. Hi all I am looking for some advice as my 8 foot mk1 locator is only picking up my collars at 5 foot. Iv tried new batteries in them all but no improvement. Is there anything I can do or can theese be serviced? If theres a posibility of a DIY fix it would be great if I could save some money. many thanks in advance for any info.
  20. Thanks for the PM Tom I don't think it was so much as duff info Tom, possibly the original guy was talking about it being easy to reduce the power back to sub12 (which it is) but he neglected to say that it cant be taken off ticket? Thus giving the 'impression' that it could be taken off ticket. Tony Quite possibly or it could have been me having a Rodney Trotter moment.
  21. Well Iv just given them a quick phone call to check it wasnt duff information. This time I spoke to a different person and was told exactly as Tony has said. It looks like the man who told me this may have had his wires crossed.
  22. Hi PIL im in Leeds. replied same message twice. Dam phones.
  23. I thought so too Tom when I was trying to get my Ultra turned down, But the Firearms Act clearly states that once it's FAC, it can not be removed from FAC Status even if turned down. There are a couple of rifles that CAN be taken off ticket, smoothbore barreled airguns with a barrel length of 20 something inches (or something like that) or a deac. Tony Hi Tony, Iv sent pm just after my last post with the gunsmiths details so you can give them a bell. I agree with you and I even double questioned him about it to be 100% sure i had the right end of the stick, but he was sure it cou
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